Staying fit

Good point DSM thanks, I’ve never had shots in the UK and missed them here last year. They only give them in November, so I’ll definitely be getting them this year. Since I posted the original post I’m fit and well again, thankfully.

What I have done is cut out one of the cups of coffee a day. This has given me more energy, more money in my pocket, and generally made me feel happier (if you exclude the caffine headaches!)

Now the weather is a bit warmer it’s time for air conditioning hell :blush: It’s only a matter of time until I’m at the quack’s (English slang for doctor) again.

L :smiley:

Actually, the secret is to get the flu shot earlier than November - probably by the end of September or first week of October at the latest, before you start picking up everyone’s autumn germs. Shots are readily available at all hospitals by about 20 September each year.

Nope. I live in Sijir and the air is bad here too. If it is any better it is not enough to make a difference. I got an upper respiratory illness here and I didn’t get one in Pan Ciao or Danshui when I lived there. [/quote]

maybe its because taiwanese doctors prescribe antibiotics for everything.extra strong 200mg concentration tablets too. hence, disease eg the common cold has deveoped into more powerful strains. more powerful than that of the west?