I think I picked something up either from a toilet seat ( i am indiscriminate and will use any) or perhaps from the gym (sauna or something), or perhaps someone i slept with, i think it is an STD, is there a place in Taipei that specializes only in that? to check? or a doctor I can see? do I need a prescription for antibiotics?
There is a clinic in XiMenDing which is famous and confidential. Sadly, all I know about it is that it is a famous STD clinic in XiMenDing.
And yes you need a script. Without seeing a doctor you don’t even know which you need. Or if you need an antibiotic, an antiviral, or even just a good skin cream.
There is another on JianGou Rd, just south of HePing, on the West side.
You will find more information on this subject if you search for it
I think you will have to leave Taiwan afterwards aswell, tsk tsk.
go to any hospital and take a number (gua hao) for the urology clinic (miniao ke)…its that simple…and try and insist they run blood and urine tests…otherwise they’ll just presume you’re a slut and give you 3G antibiotics…( i speak from experience)
They know you by name eh?
So if you were to test positive for a notifiable disease such as Aids or syphillis, would they/do they call immigration and have you outted?
I’ve always wondered about that one. It’s the stupidest provision imaginable. Well any provision that encourages people not to know something is obviously stupid.
So if you were to test positive for a notifiable disease such as Aids or syphillis, would they/do they call immigration and have you outted?
I’ve always wondered about that one. It’s the stupidest provision imaginable. Well any provision that encourages people not to know something is obviously stupid.
i guess thats what notifiable disease means…but OP isnt really talking about anything as serious as this…non-specific urethritis (sp) is definitely not a notifiable disease…
Can you ever stop critisizing the American political system???
We don’t know that for sure, as the OP only said it was a suspected STD (sexually transmitted disease).
There are many notifiable diesease, these just mean the health department has to be informed that there is an incidence. These include hepatitis, TB and other infectious diseases that are generally subject to mass campaigns.The problem with Taiwan is that the immigration laws specify that testing postive to syph or Aids is a deportable event.
Can you ever stop critisizing the American political system???[/quote]
You’re screwed for life now! That wasn’t actually a boil, rather a minor but annoying post op infection. Did you wonder why I asked if you they’d lanced it? You see, we’ve secretly implanted the self-criticism chip and every time you hear critcism, you’ll automatically assume it’s aimed at the US. TC and Fred Smith have been sporting there’s for eons!
They know you by name eh? [/quote]
Yeah, I told them my name was jdsmith.
speaking of brain cells…
if I miss you later on HGC, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
the one in XiMenDing is confidential. So no. You won’t get deported from that one.
Obviously, Stray Dog is still here.
speaking of brain cells… [/quote]
Hey, I’m a freaking editor, I come here to chill, dude!
You should get my Christmas wishes message through that chip in your finger bang on midnight. If not, all the best to you and yours!
That’s, erh stickiable info right there! Off to the Forumosan brains trust or whatever it is I suggest!
Well done.
Obviously, Stray Dog is still here. [/quote]
But they’re out searching for YOU, jd.
Obviously, Stray Dog is still here. [/quote]
But they’re out searching for YOU, jd.[/quote]
Hey, I go down, YOU go down sailor.
Obviously, Stray Dog is still here. [/quote]
But they’re out searching for YOU, jd.[/quote]
Hey, I go down, YOU go down sailor. [/quote]
Ha! The next joke is just too obvious …
Obviously, Stray Dog is still here. [/quote]
But they’re out searching for YOU, jd.[/quote]
Hey, I go down, YOU go down sailor. [/quote]
Ha! The next joke is just too obvious … [/quote]
You mean that you would post? STDs and gay love draws the dog out!