Stiff competition for K-Man

Stupid and Hilarious are locked in a deathmatch over this headline, with no clear winner in sight

Jeez…d’ya think???

I really wish the media would stop focusing on the perpetrators and focus on the victims more. It just serves to inspire more shooters knowing they can get some attention even if it’s in the most pathetic and despicable way possible.

Yeah I guess “Insane Mass Murderer Turns Out to Be Really Nice Guy” is not a headline we’re going to see anytime soon

It was good they tried to do that in the recent mass shooting in NZ.

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I’d like to see more stories about a good guy with a gun, but then you don’t have an actual mass shooting.

News is entertainment. Victims are boring. Villains are interesting.

It’s viewpoints like that, that perpetuate this narcissistic culture in which murderous little sociopaths think the quickest way to stardom is killing a couple dozen innocents. Mass shootings aren’t supposed to be entertainment ffs. If you see it as entertainment, then you need to take a good look in the mirror.

Calm yer derp. I’m not the Nielsen ratings all by myself.

I was speaking generally. If that applies to you, then so be it. If it doesn’t apply to you, then it doesn’t apply to you. But anyone who gets amusement out of a mass casualty shooting is a sicko, I don’t care who it is.

It applies to humanity. Hapless victims are depressing, You feel a brief twinge of sympathy and then a vague tinge of disgust. You cast about for a hero to make you feel better about humanity, but there are no more heroes because they made everybody feel inadequate. Then you look for an anti-hero, and you realize the anti-heroes were among the victims who nauseated you.

In the end, you settle for a villain. Because all that’s left in this sorry world are villains and victims, and victims are just sad.