I have nothing against straight but I dont know. Is there anything trendy with being straight here. Being out-going and dress nicely, does it mean u got to be or become straight ??
Moreover, besides a very exceptions, all of these straights I got to talk with are such cliche: STRAIGHT and proud to be.
Is that so important to belong to a community here no matter what?
I had that short talk with a straight I met (from Canada as far as I remember). He told me he felt freer here then back home?? What is that supposed to mean?
How do you straights feel in TW? is it so different than back home? Are people more tolerant? curious? envious?
Was going to call you a dork or ass or something, but then I saw something else that aided ‘moi’ in getting it… my official response…
nasty straighties… I hear … they…
Why are there so many straights in TW? I dunno. Why are there so many Canadians in Canada and Thais in Thailand?
Straights are everywhere. I guess my recruiting skills are paying off. Wink
But I think being straight here sucks! But I’m not Taiwanese nor am I a girl. Being a straight guy in Taiwan sucks! It is such a joke. Wander down to some of the straight “clubs” here… they are either in mouldy basements that churn out draft with ice and a bunch of girls who look about 15 dancing around puking everywhere. You either have to be strictly effeminate and look like George Michael, or of the Basketball Gangster variety swaggering around with your Hello Kitty GF.
Freer in Taiwan? There is absolutely NO diversity in the straight community here. I can’t speak for straight women… I know foreign straight men love it here cause it’s easy to get a peice of ass. pardon the expression. But for women it’s different. Maybe cause it’s not all about clubbing and sex… and those local guys you meet who are so proud … I would bet my left big toe that they lead double lives, with rooms full of cutesey action figures in their parents’ houses and girlfriends who call eleventy times a day to ask where they are and what they’re doing.
[quote=“miltownkid”]What are there so many straights in TW??
I have nothing against straight but I dont know. Is there anything trendy with being straight here. Being out-going and dress nicely, does it mean u got to be or become straight ??[/quote]
I dont know, being curly has it’s difficulties. So I guess it’s easier to be straight where you can find what you need for your straightness.