Strange and Unexpected Impressions While Traveling Abroad

Apparently NASA has audio recordings archived and they make these noises that sound like “Gerrrrout ye dirty Irish” or something like that.

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Ha ha ha! fecking English sharks… racist bastards!

You must be super relieved none of them said “sure” to you! Your mind might have literally exploded!! :rofl:

Seriously, though… paranoia big destroya!

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I’d be careful with that if I were you. When my family from the UK came to Taiwan they couldn’t understand why so many Taiwanese people kept saying an offensive word about black people. As they could not understand what people were talking about, they assumed that ”那個“ was something which it wasn’t.

If you’re heading north, head up to where I’m from - beautiful North Yorkshire. That area really is the definition of “God’s Country”.

Enjoy the rest of your stay.


The Polish word for Chinese sounds like “heen-ski” or “heen-chuck”, starting with a rough h-like sound, not an English “ch”. “pig” is pronounced “shveen-ya”. There are so many Chinese in London that people are used to it. They may or may not have been talking about you; who knows? Do you speak Polish? It has a lot of “ch”, “i”, “n”, and “a” sounds. You might have something to worry about if they were constantly scowling in your direction and treating you rudely, but then again, Slavic people in general tend not to smile much.

Most people in Europe, when they complain about Chinese people, complain about the tour groups and the poor behavior of some of the tour group members.

Downtown, London is overrun by tourists: perhaps one out of every three people you see there is a tourist. It’s also a very diverse city, with residents whose origins are from every corner of the globe. It’s part of what I love about the city. I’m a big fan of diversity, having grown up in diverse cities (Chicago, San Francisco, London).


Nearly every person in a service job in London and the South East will not be British. I would be shocked to go into a coffee shop and be met with a server with a British accent.

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Yorkshire is James Herriot country. :hugs:

Luton isn’t exactly a palace either.

Stanstead is the worst. Feels like a prison in a dystopian sci-fi novel.

Heathrow is pretty functional in comparison.

As a British born person of Chinese decent, I think you’re being paranoid. Even going through the school system the worst that I ever got was a fat kid calling me panther boy, and a teacher sitting me next to the only other Chinese kid in the school because they though we must have lots in common. I took my Taiwanese girlfriend on a trip around London last Christmas and we had a blast; relax and enjoy your stay.


I have a feeling the OP wasn’t exactly wearing a warm and welcoming smile himself. Considering he thought everybody was talking shit about him, I’m sure he was mean mugging everybody in the place. —> :rage:

What does that mean?
They’re not citizens???

Not citizens. They are subjects over there

Actually, most of the ones I’ve met were more like objects.:rofl:

Yes, they are not citizens. Most will be from other EU countries.

Sooo…you checked their passports??

Depends how you define ‘citizen’ I suppose. It’s still possible for any European to live and work in the UK without minimal hassle; it’s not a legal requirement to put on 30 pounds of flab, get your teeth pulled out, and start using ‘fucking’ as a modifier.

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What are you talking about ?

Have you ever been to the UK ? Specifically in the last ten years.

If you go to say Costa Coffee in London, it’s unlikely that the person serving you will have a British accent. They most likely will be from another European country. They may have British citizenship, but since this is a lengthy process and EU citizens have full working rights in the UK, it’s mostly unlikely.

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Talking about accents, but with the diversity and complexity of different accents from different regions and even cities in the UK, well, it sounds alien to any outsider.

Alien like from outer space.

True. Just explaining why he encountered so many Eastern European accents. Imagine would be surprising for a lot of tourists