My roommates mother is sitting in the living room on the phone. (Mom is staying with us for a month, god help me) I suppose you could say she is sitting. It is supposable that this pose is reminiscent of “sitting”… She is sitting on her lower back, not her bum, with her back to the back cushion and her knees touching the back cushion just under her arm pits. I suppose this might help air out certain body parts. She looks like she is practicing a pose for a porn. This would be disturbing even if she weren’t already in her night clothes…
I have another friend (co worker, actually) who does the squat in his chair anywhere we go. Seriously, I have never seen him put his ass in the seat of a chair. I’ve told him that he looks like a little monkey and he asked me what made my way of sitting “correct”.
Then there are the old men on the MRT who are trying to get as much space between their knees as possible, reaching one knee as far as they can out into the walkway between seats and the other knee touching the person sitting next to them. Their weight rested on their elbow on of their knees. Sometimes the old women who sit much like this.
Also the countless number of people every day who are completely incapable of sitting still and must constantly bump into the person next to them, behind them, across from them as they fidget about with everything that can be used for fidgeting, and some things that cannot. The leg stretchers who sit with their knees straight stretching their legs out to be as far in the way of anyone in the immediate vicinity as possible.The leaners, leaning forward putting their weight on their knees with their elbows so that their heads are almost as far out as the previously stated leg stretchers. Those who put one foot on their seat- even in restaurants. Many, many, different type of strange sitters.
I’m just curious. Did I lead a sheltered life that I have never seen these things before coming here? Or was there some “sitting 101” course that I forgot was part of the core curriculum in grade school?
What other strange sitters have you seen? And what can be done to not view my roommate’s mother’s privates when she sits like that short of locking myself in my room or walking around with my hand shielding my eyes from the view. Both of these options have actually been working quite well. God save me.
The “squat” can be a quite comfortable after a while. The old men waiting for the bus in the squat are not wrong. I’m not sure it’s better on the knees or just easier to perv on the women there, but as a squatter, it is bijoa shufu.
As for yoga mom, maybe she’s just telling you that she had “it” when she was young too, girlie.
I had a student (read: translation client) who sat like that, next to me. When he sat, he spread his legs apart as far as they would go, leaving little room for me. I had to ask him to move over so he wouldn’t jab his knee into me and so I could sit properly at the keyboard.
First-off, let me say you have my utmost sympathy wrt your roommate, her mom and her other antics. Does make for interesting reading, though.
Advice: You could walk into the room wrinkling your nose and waving your hand exclaiming, “Phew! WTF’s that fish smell?”
Sure, it’s not subtle, but it may get the point across. If that doesn’t do it, you’re up chocolate creek without a popsicle stick…
Are we talking about a foreign mom, or a local mom?
Me, I’m a weirdo. I would sit opposite her with a towel on (no dress or nighty as I’m of the male persuasion) and do the same, all the while gesticulating wildly with the frank and beans for all to see. I might even fart loudly and make a right tosser out of myself. Couple of beers may smooth it along, winking at her and having the odd sly look.
If I was really up to some mischief I’d invite my one mate, M*, along for a drink. If he doesn’t clear the room, no one and nothing will.
*Name not used for privacy purposes, but Quentin and Monster know what (and who) I mean…
HA, years ago you’d see shoe prints on toilet seats.
I still see shoe prints on toilet seats - including at Kojen, a kids’ school. It’s been passed down to the next generation.
As for doing what the mom is - I tried to contort myself into the position you described, Suchafob, and was completely unable to get anywhere near it. Maybe the mom is keeping herself flexible and limber, is in fact exercising.
I put shoe prints on toilet seats. Well, no. I kick up the toilet seat and then put shoe prints on the rim. Much better than risking an even small risk that I might hover too low and have that vile, filthy thing touch me. Besides, when standing on the rim I don’t have to worry about my pant legs getting wet from the two inches of urine on the floor or the back of my pant legs touching the shit that is dripping down the front of the toilet.