This is a continuity of this thread: Stray dog problem. The thread is broken. I get the “error on line 22” message if I try to post or read it. Through doing back page, I am able to quote some of the content to formulate the following reply.(I got to read the latest posts before the thread stopped working.) At 26 pages, a Part II is not a bad thing anyways…
[quote=“Truant”]in particular are in opposition to people who have done significant more research and have the first hand experiences to verify what they read.
I know whose opinion I value more on this.[/quote]
'Aint THAT the truth.
Its a good thread, though, in that it gives Stray Dog a chance to show how much more convincing his arguments are than those of his detractors. And to show how much more grace he has doing it, too.[/quote]
[quote=“jdsmith”]Sandman, give me a large break. If someone were consistantly misrepresenting your posts you would have the same reaction I am having. Or much worse.
So," Bobepine says, "After 20 pages there are the people who want to cull the dogs and those who want to CNR them." This is not an oversimplification. It is a lie.[/quote]How about you give me a break, Mr. Smith? Like sandman said, I was replying to ironlady. How can I possibly be misinterpreting your post, since I was not quoting you? Like sandman also said, I think this comes to highlight your dislike for me, and perhaps Truant is also on to something when he questions either some people here are arguing simply for the sake of arguing…
Why do you use quotation marks for the above statement?(in blue above) Who wrote that? I certainly did not write that. So while you complain that I misrepresent your posts when I’m actually quoting another poster, you allow yourself to use quotation marks on either side of a statement I did not write. Doesn’t sound fair to me…
Here’s what I REALLY wrote, which is not what you quoted above: [quote=“I”]After 20 pages you haven’t noticed that there seem to be mainly two options discussed, here; one is culling(killing the dogs ie: taking them off the street as a mean to control the population) and CNR (leaving them on the street as a mean to control the population). [/quote]
1-You did not use the quotation marks adequately as what I wrote is not what you quoted at all. Is that not misrepresenting what I wrote? Please do not use quotation marks when writing what you think I meant! … Especially not if you will read so deep into what I write to someone else’s attention and start saying I post lies while intending to misrepresent your posts.
2-Note that I used the word “mainly”(underlined above) which clearly implies that other things have been discussed. This in no way means that other options have not been discussed.
3-As sandman said, I was not talking to you, I was not making any references to your posts. Take it or leave it. I did not even think about your posts, or your cull/CNR suggestion when posting the post that got you all huffin and puffin.
4-I sustain my opinion that this thread is MAINLY a discussion about the pros and cons of culling and CNRing animals. Talking about combining culling and CNR is still mainly a discussion about culling and CNR. Things such as shooting dogs with a bb gun, how to behave when you encounter a pack of aggressive strays, removing the food source, and of course, suggestions to combine CNR and culling are just sub-topics as they are not the MAIN topic being discussed.
5-Context: Sean used the terms"leaving the dogs on the street" as opposed to using the term CNR, and ironlady decided to quote him and do a play with words asking if CNR was or was not a method of controlling the population/lowering the population. I simply explained that what Sean meant by “leaving the dogs on the street” was actually CNR by saying that CNR and culling have been the two MAIN things on the table for discussion. I did not mean to make any references to you, jd, or anyone else. I haven’t. You can say whatever you want, but you can’t tell me what I meant when I wrote that. Only I know what I was thinking, and what I meant.
No it is not.[/quote]I disagree, and to you, that makes me a liar. :loco:[quote=“jdsmith”] Culling and CNR are two of many methods of dealing with the problem. Other methods include neutering, capture and containing strays in pounds, food source removal and adoption.
The options are to use them both, neither, or some combination of the two, or a combination of some other method, like food source removal.[/quote]
Yeah, sure. That’s why I said “there
to be
two options discussed, here…”
I mean, Goddamn! Maoman started a thread where he posted that he was considering calling the dog catchers(culling) in an attempt to solve a stray dog problem. From there, Sean and I, as well as many others, advocated CNR as a better option. Those are the MAIN options discussed in this thread; culling and CNR.
Other things were discussed such as how to behave when dealing with aggressive dogs, shooting them with a bb gun, removing the food source, and of course, combining cull and CNR. Sure! But they are only the sub-topics that the MAIN topic generated.
This is clearly more an issue of dislike for me that you have, jd, and I think that Truant also touched on something I am pretty sensitive about. To me it translates as follows: You consistently attempt to harm my integrity by saying I am disrespectful, patronizing, demonizing(etc) or by saying I am causing harm to the organization I work with, or by saying I’m lying, etc, etc, etc. Yet, aside from the issues we have had with namahottie, which I profusely apologized for, BTW, you have been the only one saying these things. I am sick of it. All I do here is post my opinions and I advocate that we respect our four legged friends. Why oh why would you insist on making things so difficult for me? If you don’t like me, fine, but please give it a rest. I’m just doing my best to help animals here, man, and that means speaking on their behalf sometimes.