Stupid Sh*t My Taiwanese Girlfriend Says

Here are a few stupid/funny things I have heard my girlfriend say.

“I used to jump rope a lot when I was a kid, that’s why I’m tall.”
“Your tooth hurts because it’s summer. Hot weather, tooth just like this.”
“If you point at the moon, your ear will get cut.”

I started a blog as a way to record some of the things she (and other Taiwanese girls) says. Most of the things are related to superstitions or otherwise strange beliefs. Anyone else have any quotes to share? Please feel free to leave your comments here or on the blog.

Take out the trash. It’s your turn.

On another note, you could check out Things my Girlfriend and I have Argued About for how to do it if you want your blog to make you look a bit less of a stupid wanker.


I’ve heard 7 of the 10 myself but not only from girlfriends. She is just repeating what her family and friends also think or believe.

The difference between a funny, enjoyable blog, such as the aforementioned “Things my gf and I have argued about” and this one, is where you put yourself in relation to the thing you’re mocking. If the OP had included himself somehow in the mockery, exposed his weaknesses and made himself look silly as well, then it would have been funny. This way it just makes us feel uncomfortable.

As for the other discussion in this thread: Are we justified to mock these superstitions and the Taiwanese for upholding them? And are we not the same in the West with ours? etc.
To me the issue is not whether the superstition is there (I think we agree ALL cultures have them), but rather whether or not somebody is willing to stop and examine any traditional belief and weigh the evidence for or against it. Or just simply allow that it can be examined and questioned by somebody else.

EDIT: And I forgot to add to the last paragraph… Some cultures seem to be better at examining their traditional beliefs than others. I’d dare to say that an average Taiwanese, just as an average Croatian, is NOT very good at examining these beliefs. There’s more inertia in these societies than willingness to break out of limiting traditions.


In response to the many negative responses to my post:

I’d just like to say, I’m not trying to put down Taiwanese people in any way, and I already know that every culture has its own superstitions that others might see as silly or stupid. Furthermore, this is not a slam against my girlfriend or her beliefs, it is simply meant to be a joke. My girlfriend knows about the blog, and while she thinks IT is stupid, she can still see the humor in it, just as I can see the humor in her blog, “Things My Dumbass Foreign Boyfriend Is Too Stupid To See Are Obviously True”. I’m sorry if the title of this blog comes off as being mean, I guess I have a dry sense of humor. It is actually just a take off on the blog “Stupid Shit My Dad Says” as my O blood type predisposes me to a lack of creativity. I guess I should have gone with my original title, “Culturally Unique Things My Racially Anonymous Girlfriend Says”.

I’m glad to see there are some people out there with a pulse, though perhaps we all have a little too much time on our hands.

this guy spend time listen to his girlfriend

his girlfriend unintntionally make him laugh with things she said

i’d say their relationship will last…

funny blog, thanks for sharing

Stupid shit American in bar say:

  1. It too hot in Taiwan. It must be Global Warming.
  2. It too cold in Taiwan. It Must be Climate Change.
  3. Taiwan girl like foreigner English teacher
    (she get a free lesson!)
  4. Taiwan is good, you can do what you want.
    Like drive on sidewalk.
  5. Taiwan bad, people do what he want.
    Like drive on sidewalk.
  6. You can point at Moon, and American man go to Moon in 1968.
    (He not hear of Hollywood).
  7. My girlfriend say stupid shit.
    (But she not care, she just practice English for free).
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Someone should start a twitter account of what Sam_Wong says.

That’s a shitty thing to do, and I hope your girlfriend never finds out.

But I have to admit it, I laughed. It kind of reminded me of “I hope they serve beer in hell”. It’s terribly wrong, but sometimes you cannot help but laugh.

sam wong, he say many wong things but he funny (and insightful, even if in wong way) :smiley:

yes, sam so wong, him right

The second girl I dated asked me if she should become bisexual because she loves to look at female behinds!?! I wanted to help her out but we stopped seeing each other. (Laughed hard first)

1969…that stuff in 1968 was done in a movie studio… :loco:

If you pick up something off the ground that is not yours, I hear: “a dead asian bride will be coming for you.”

i think we can and should mock any silly superstition from any country, anywhere, any religion, it’s all just stupid fears and doubts and the stories we make up to explain or to obfuscate, so why not laugh?

after all, if a grown man believes in the tooth fairy, shouldn’t we say something about it?

Like George Carlin would say “It’s all bullshit and it’s bad for ya”.

The following explanation about Chinese mental superiority was given by one of my classmates (a girl):

“It is widely known that Chinese students are the best, they get better scores than American students in foreign universities, they get the highest scores in World Math Competition compared to students from other countries. Why? According to my biology teacher, our blood is pure , we don’t have lots of racial mixing. White peoples are all mixed up like you for example, greek blood, french blood, irish blood and others. You have impure blood, that is why you will never be that smart and besides that, we go to cram school after our normal school…, we study from early morning to late at night”

Then I asked her:

"How many Nobel prize winner are Chinese? How many technological and advanced devices were made by Chinese people? Did Chinese peoples discover vaccines for HIV, cure for cancer,cure for other serious ailments? "

She couldn’t answer, she simply decided to change the subject.

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Chinese students may get results which are slightly better but they study for many more hours per week. Doing 5% better after putting in 50-100% more time suggests, to me, they’re not so bright.
But I’m not Chinese and thus not so bright myself, so I’m probably wrong.

…to study what? Oh right, English.

A little female Hitler there you have, huh? That is not even funny really ==;

As for the topic… oh, girlfriends of all nations says lots of silly things. But this is also true for boyfriends, though I might say I can’t remember anything particularly stupid my bf would say :ponder: