Submit to unchecked executive authority or you're DOOMED!


They forget to mention, in this little “infomercial”, that the reason the Democrats let this bill lapse was that Bush said he’d veto it unless it included immunity for telecom companies that were complicit in illegally monitoring citizens.

FFFFF that! Big corporations conspire with the government in lawbreaking activities, then the government gives them immunity because they were helping IT do what IT says was necessary, even though its equally illegal actions cannot even be challenged by citizens because that would be a breach of national security! Meanwhile, the evidence thus obtained has NOT been used to prosecute any terrorists, while it HAS been passed along to law enforcement agencies to prosecute citizens for other crimes.

Democrats respond to the GOP’s "infomercial! (I just LOVE this…)

House Democrats Save America!

[quote=“Vay”]Democrats respond to the GOP’s "infomercial! (I just LOVE this…)

House Democrats Save America![/quote]

pfft…they are saving america so they can rape it.

In view of what George Bush and his rubber stamp Congress have done over the past 7 years, that comment, my friend, is simply hilarious.

Oh my, I’m so terrified that the Democrats will get into power, stop creating more terrorists by torturing detainees, re-instate Habeus Corpus requirements, end warrantless wire-tapping, get rid of tax cuts for the rich, cut government subsidies to oil companies (the most profitable corporations on EARTH, incidentally), institute a national health care system (health care costs are the number on reason for housing foreclosure these days, in case you didn’t know), cooperate with other countries in addressing climate change, balance the federal budget like they did the last time they were in office, increase spending on science and math education to make our kids competitive and - oh, I almost forgot - get our asses out of that fricking DEBACLE in Iraq!