Suggestestions for a good detailing / valet service in Hsinchu

I got some stubborn water spots on my car that don’t come out with normal washing. Can anyone recommend a good detailing or valet service in Hsinchu area?
Thanks for the heads up.

I subcontract the best one that I have ever known though if you want to make the trip.

I got some stubborn water spots on my car that don’t come out with normal washing. Can anyone recommend a good detailing or valet service in Xinzhu (Hsinchu) area?
Thanks for the heads up.[/quote]

Yep, Dongda road in front of my restaurant. Been using him for 3 years. We service our cars there (Porsche, M3, 350z and others every week) Very cheap, reliable and careful. We even let him drive the cars back to us.
Just pm me for the location and i’ll make sure you get the best service.

thanks, then i know where it is. Maybe i’ll treat myself to a nice steak while i wait for my car!

Glad to be of assistance.