To study chinese character recently I bought Far east 3000 chinese character CD and also pocket pc and supermemo to memorize the character. I use desktop PC to enter Q&A and later import
this to the pocket PC.But each time I try to import it will overwrite existing database so all the
character that I have already learned before will be reset and again and I have to start the whole
learning process from the very beginning.
For example I have typed 10 character today in data.txt file in desktop and imported this to
supermemo in pocket pc and supermemo converted this to data.sdb file. After I learned all these ten character I have added another 10 character in my previous data.txt file in destop and would like to import this into pocket PC. but when I try to import it will overwrites the existing database file data.sdb and reset all the learning process inside it. That means all the ten character that I have already learned will be reset and I have to start all the learning process from the very begining. Is there any means so that I can import and add only 10 new character to existing database file so that supermemo won’t reset the previous 10 character learning process that I have already learned and I can start my learning process from the 10 new character that I have added.
Just wondering if there is any way to solve my problem. Between I saw so many people are using palm for learning chinese language. Does the palm user have also same kind of problem?
I have had similar problems with my pocket pc. I wasted alot of time (weeks) trying to figure it out and ended up just inputting directly into the pocket pc. I’m not sure what the difference is between palm and pocket pc. Maybe Miltontownkid can help us with that?
Anyway, I’ve compiled a database of the first 600 characters. You, and anyone else are welcome to them if you want. I’ll send the file by email.
Good luck. Tell me if you figure it out.
Thank you for your response. It would be great If you would send me those 600 character that you have already entered. Please send me at
Today I come to know that actaully this is a serious flaw of supermemo for pocket pc. I found this at . you can read the whole article there.Anyway here I have included portion of that:
"I was quite surprised to notice that the program does not allow you to import new items from your PC into an existing collection on your PDA. You can prepare a Q&A file (for example, Q: He should continue to act pursuant to the Security Council resolutions. A: to act pursuant to sth = obey sth) on your PC, but if you use the Import feature, SuperMemo will always put the contents of the file in a new collection.
This is a serious flaw. I was expecting I would be able to expand my pocket German collection on my PC, with a real keyboard, big screen, and the ability to copy & paste definitions and sentences from the Web and computer dictionaries. Instead, my only option is to input sentences letter by letter with the tiny stylus of my PDA, which is just a little bit slower than typing with one hand behind my back. "
So what I am planning now is to input data in supermemo for windows (desktop pc version). and later I will export this in XML format to Pokcet pc. Since XML format also save learning process, at least whatever I have learned in desktop PC I don’t need to repeat all over again at pocket PC (I just come to know about this from supermemo help file but I haven’t tried yet). Since,XML format consume lots of space I’m just afraid later when the database is getting bigger and bigger may be it will take lots of time just for exporting and importing and also the limitation of pocket pc memory to open very big file.