Im a newcomer here and Ive looked through some posts, but havent been able to find an answer to my question when joining a Taiwanese Communiyu: do you guys support chen shui bien (president) or lian zan?
Oh yeah…this will be good…
what do you mean o.o
are you saying no to supporting chen shui bian or no to supporting lian zan
I’m saying no to supporting either of them.
To be serious for a moment, you’ll find that on this forum there are people who support Chen Shuibian, others that support Lian Zan, and yet others (like myself) that don’t support either of them (for various reasons).
Why is this important to you?
Anyway, a few people here support Chen, one or two support Lien and the vast majority think that both of them are lying cheating bastards who are interested only in their own importance.
As far as Taiwan goes, I’m more in favor of Chen than Lien, in a lesser-of-two-evils sense. If it’s a choice between a well-meaning, if slow, hick and a self-obsessed asshole, I know which one I’m choosing.
This is the link you want: [What makes laowai's green? (or blue, or whatever)
It’s Blue vs. Green rather than Chen vs. Lien though. Personally my support for Chen is inversely proportional to his popularity (if he’s pissing off his core supporters, he’s probably doing something right), while i think Tetsuo is being waaaay too charitable about Lien Chan.
You will find that only a handfull of people that post here on this forum are Lien supporters, there were more but fortunately most of them have been star chambered by the admins. Vast majority of foreigners living in Taiwan lean towards Chen, i.e. are Greens. Suggest you stay here for a couple of months, also read some history books about Taiwan and the PRC and make up your own mind.
Screw the AC Milan!
I’m Pan-Green and do not support Lien Chan or “Lien Zhan” in your writings. Alot of the star-chambered/banned people here are just the same guys with lots of aliases from CNF or (See AC Dropout).
Obviously the rule of thumb goes like this, if the forum is named Taiwan or Formosa or something like that, most of the people on the forum are pro Taiwan. The ones that are named like the Chinese Nationalist Forum are obviously Pan-Blue.
Statistically only 16% of the people of Taiwan support unification, and 14% of the population came directly from China in the last 55+ years (those who came along with the KMT.)
Nonsense. If it’s named something to do with Taiwan, all it means is it’s either about Taiwan or for people living in Taiwan. There is no logical reason to automatically assume it’s pan-Green. It may turn out to be that way, but unless it’s a politically-oriented forum, the name don’t mean shit.
Nonsense. If it’s named something to do with Taiwan, all it means is it’s either about Taiwan or for people living in Taiwan. There is no logical reason to automatically assume it’s pan-Green. It may turn out to be that way, but unless it’s a politically-oriented forum, the name don’t mean shit.[/quote]
Maybe I should have added the words, “generally speaking”, but its not nonsense if it generally plays out that way, as you admitted. I have yet to see however a forum called “Taiwan-something” that is ‘pan-Purple’.
The forum moderators here however try to be as bi-partisan as possible.
Also welcome to the forum AwChang331.
Not having grabbed a lightning rod in a thunderstorm for a while, I’ll take the chance of adding my words of opinion to the thread in order to address the question.
I find the overwhelming tone of posting in the Taiwan Politics forum to be decidedly pro-Green. While I see the general tone as pro-Green, I also believe the most prolific and strident posters to be pro-Taiwan Independence supporters. The tone is generally unsupportive of President Chen whenever he makes moves to get something accomplished instead of posturing. The attacks on opposition leaders Lien and Soong are never ending and usually accompanied with copious vitriol.
While I am not a paid political agent or ‘mouthpiece’ for the PRC, nor even a candidate for CCP party membership, I do hold the view that Taiwan is, and always was, part of China proper. Beginning long before my first visit in 1972, I held the view that Taiwan was, and is, much like the Confederate States of America during the American civil war. To me, reunification is inevitable and desirable. I had hoped that being here in Taiwan I could not only discuss counter-positions with other foreigners, but with indigenous Taiwanese as well. The indigenous discussions and exchanges have been quite rewarding and interesting. My experiences here on Forumosa, specifically in the Taiwan Politics forum, have led me to believe that such interaction with other foreigners is futile. Maybe I was too hasty, but I think not.
If you are looking for a warm and fuzzy place to post pro-Green or even TI rhetoric, this is it. If you are looking for a balanced, rational discussion, with logic and civility as the boundaries, you may become as disappointed as I am. While I absolutely believe Forumosa has a lot to offer concerning Taiwan, I also believe the Taiwan Politics forum isn
Perhaps you could provide a link to somewhere that you have provided a clear argument about why you think Taiwan is and always was part of China?
Actually I strongly disagree that the people on this forum are pro-independence.
It seems that apart from a few extremists, the majority supports the right of the people of Taiwan to decide their future. That this usually gets characterised by pan-blue supporters as support for TI is a shame.
As to whether the majority are pan-blue or pan-green, yes, the views of the majoriy of posters here are closer to the green position on the cross-striat relationship, but I don’t htink that this necessarily translates to actual support for Chen or the DPP, who also come in for a lot of criticism.
[quote=“Bu Lai En”]Actually I strongly disagree that the people on this forum are pro-independence.
It seems that apart from a few extremists, the majority supports the right of the people of Taiwan to decide their future. That this usually gets characterised by pan-blue supporters as support for TI is a shame.
As to whether the majority are pan-blue or pan-green, yes, the views of the majoriy of posters here are closer to the green position on the cross-striat relationship, but I don’t htink that this necessarily translates to actual support for Chen or the DPP, who also come in for a lot of criticism.
I’m not sure who you are disagreeing with, certainly not me. My statement was:
You go on to say
Self-determination is an attribute of, and an act of, independence. To define it otherwise is specious.
As a note to the Original Poster, I would say, compare the immediate, albeit misquoted and mischaracterized, response to my post, with the lack of questioning, comment, or clarification to the statement made in this thread:
You will find that only a handfull of people that post here on this forum are Lien supporters, there were more but fortunately most of them have been star chambered by the admins.[/quote]
The ensuing silence is deafeningly eloquent.
I misread your post, so I’m not really disagreeing with you, just opining that it is wrong to think that the majority of posters are pro-independence, when probably the majority support the right of the people of Taiwan to chose between independence and unification with China. Your argument that the two are one and the same is off-topic. I’m replying here:
[Forumosa - Taiwan's largest and most active Taiwan-oriented global online community in English … 211#360211](Does self-determination equal independence?
Your comments about posters supporting the pan-blues are also offtopic. My reply to that is here:
[Forumosa - Taiwan's largest and most active Taiwan-oriented global online community in English … 212#360212](Taiwan Politics Forum feedback - #22 by Bu_Lai_En