Surely my boss is screwing me, no?

[quote=“yyy”][quote=“LujouTeacher”]Again guys, thanks for reading and helping.
Even though I have not kept all my payslips, my boss has never paid cash. Always a cheque every 2 weeks paid into my account.
Is this proof of payment?

By the way I work at Happy Marian. Mornings are illegal, right? So I’m working illegally.
The only legal work I have is 16.30pm to 18.30pm 4 days a week. [/quote]
If you have an open work permit (via your APRC) you are safe from the labor and immigration authorities (no $150,000 fine, no deportation). The kindergarten is breaking the law by having English classes, no matter who teaches them, and technically you’re breaking the law if you teach kindergarten without being a qualified “educare provider” in the opinion of the education authorities, but it’s unlikely you would get in trouble unless everyone else involved also gets in trouble. (The maximum penalty for you would be a $60,000 fine iirc, but I don’t think you’ll be in any real danger unless the government decides to shut the place down.)

Ask the bank if it can and will confirm the origin of the deposits. If it can’t or won’t, you can still use the records as evidence if they fit a pattern you can match to current/future payments. Keep records of everything from now on.[/quote]
Sorry, that “educare” fine is minimum $6000, maximum $30,000. Click here if you want an explanation: Work Rules For English Teachers