Surfing in a Typhoon

Don’t go surfing?

Yeah, right.

Surfers here eat sleep breathe typhoons. I love them. Can’t wait, 30 days to go, I might get lucky.

The best waves you will ever have here are during typhoons and don’t believe those silly policemen who try to get you out the water. Surf your brains out first.

You do need to be a waterman with the ability to surf humungous waves which cuts out most of the wallies with boards here. I have surfed before, during and after typhoons here AND HAD EPIC WAVES.

[quote=“mcstrange”]Don’t go surfing?

Yeah, right.

Surfers here eat sleep breathe typhoons. I love them. Can’t wait, 30 days to go, I might get lucky.

The best waves you will ever have here are during typhoons and don’t believe those silly policemen who try to get you out the water. Surf your brains out first.

You do need to be a waterman with the ability to surf humungous waves which cuts out most of the wallies with boards here. I have surfed before, during and after typhoons here AND HAD EPIC WAVES.[/quote]

they just passed a new law that provided huge fines (like up to 250,000nt) for being in the waters during or just prior or after a typhoon !!!

Make it 11 reasons I am leaving Taiwan…

It is utterly retarded to stop people wishing to endanger their lives… I have been stopped from surfing a few times.

Once because a fisherman was washed off the rocks the week before. Did they stop people fishing? No. Idiot winds blow loud here.

Once because the 6 inch high ankle slappers were ‘too big waves’. Because 98% of Taiwanese have the water skills of a pool ball, they assume the sea is very dangerous.

The sea IS a dangerous place and surfers , well most of us, are aware of this. Sadly, the Taiwanese penchant for arse clenching stupidity ( I like that term) has caused this ludicrous legislation to be passed. I’ve had several requests from Taiwanese to teach them to surf. The first question I ask is, ‘Can you swim?’. Most couldn’t…

[quote=“tommy525”][quote=“mcstrange”]Don’t go surfing?

Yeah, right.

Surfers here eat sleep breathe typhoons. I love them. Can’t wait, 30 days to go, I might get lucky.

The best waves you will ever have here are during typhoons and don’t believe those silly policemen who try to get you out the water. Surf your brains out first.

You do need to be a waterman with the ability to surf humungous waves which cuts out most of the wallies with boards here. I have surfed before, during and after typhoons here AND HAD EPIC WAVES.[/quote]

they just passed a new law that provided huge fines (like up to 250,000nt) for being in the waters during or just prior or after a typhoon !!![/quote]

If I receive a fine like that I will be high tailing out of Taiwan with the quickness. Ban me for life but I would never pay a fine that huge for surfing in waves I can handle.

[quote=“mcstrange”]Don’t go surfing?

Yeah, right.

Surfers here eat sleep breathe typhoons. I love them. Can’t wait, 30 days to go, I might get lucky.

The best waves you will ever have here are during typhoons and don’t believe those silly policemen who try to get you out the water. Surf your brains out first.

You do need to be a waterman with the ability to surf humungous waves which cuts out most of the wallies with boards here. I have surfed before, during and after typhoons here AND HAD EPIC WAVES.[/quote]

I take it you like Davy Jone’s locker…

Why, thank you. I believe those particular bon mots spurted first from my keyboard. It’s heartwarming to see one’s babies fly the nest and take wing.

I love surfing as much as anybody, but this post reads like you are jerking yourself off.
Blah blah blah “I’m so cool” blah blah blah “Taiwanese can’t surf” blah blah blah…

Is this some brilliant form of satire too well masked behind misplaced bravado for me to decipher? Or are you really this much of a wanker?

It’s brilliant satire Shifty. Sorry you don’t get it.

The idiot wind. It’s contagious, I tell you.

Well,surfing in a typhoon is legal?

Big wave surfing in Taiwan…Yawn…wish I was at Ulus when it went off on May 18th…check it out, that Aussie lifeguard is a real, “Waterman” .

I was there in Feb.-March (wish they could move Chinese New Year to May) my buddies are there and were there on May 18th–just beautiful.

I’ll be here in 3 weeks.

It’s been flatter than hammered shit for two weeks (I actually rowed on my longboard last week) so pray to KYMOPOLEIA that she brings the swell before you wipe your feet on Taiwan.

Getting fines means getting caught–there are many places to paddle to and only a few places a policeman will venture to.

These laws are like the laws here preventing private helicopter ownership, riding big bikes on freeways and gun ownership-simply put: the average Taiwanese person is an irresponsible danger to him/heself and all those around them.

If we issued wrist rockets and nail guns to every citizen over the age of 18 the population would be cut in half in a week.

Not in a typhoon it isn’t. But with how small the waves can be the rest of the year, I can see why they use the typhoons.

Wow–Suchafob-check out our post times–does this mean we are psychically linked?

[quote=“Bubba 2 Guns”]Big wave surfing in Taiwan…Yawn…wish I was at Ulus when it went off on May 18th…check it out, that Aussie lifeguard is a real, “Waterman” .

I was there in Feb.-March (wish they could move Chinese New Year to May) my buddies are there and were there on May 18th–just beautiful.[/quote]

Whooo! An important detail to better understand the significance of those pics is how damned shallow Ulu can break. Nuffin’ but sharp reef and sea snakes below!

Good grief! The wedge looks like a washing machine. Are they really monster shore breakers?

Watch yer neck, but do enjoy!


Nope your just a stalker :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”][quote=“Bubba 2 Guns”]Big wave surfing in Taiwan…Yawn…wish I was at Ulus when it went off on May 18th…check it out, that Aussie lifeguard is a real, “Waterman” .

I was there in Feb.-March (wish they could move Chinese New Year to May) my buddies are there and were there on May 18th–just beautiful.[/quote]

Whooo! An important detail to better understand the significance of those pics is how damned shallow Ulu can break. Nuffin’ but sharp reef and sea snakes below!

Good grief! The wedge looks like a washing machine. Are they really monster shore breakers?

Watch yer neck, but do enjoy!


Yeah Ulus seems to have the sharpest reef in the world-punctuated by how fast the wave moves it sucks getting scraped on that reef. I was there on a 12 ft. day with helicopters flying overhead.

The Wedge is Bodyboard heavan and its consistent 365 days of the year because of its proximity to the jetty. Mexican storms bring up those monster swells that get magnified at the wedge. Hard for Boardies to get a set up on the wave (though not impossible because people surf there all the time) so Spongies have a field day on those quick shore breakers. That’s where I learned to surf! :slight_smile:

I hope I don’t fall off a 15 foot wave like the guy in the video! Give ya a full report if I survive.

Looks like a neck breaking good time. Baptism by ass kicking thats the way to go if thats where ya learned then you got your ass beat as bad ass me.

Biggest Ulu I’ve surfed was solid 8 foot and hollow and I shat myself. Got a few memorable tubes and took a few good beatings too. Memorable times from 20 years back. Plenty sea snakes back then too, and small reef sharks to add extra piquancy.

I wonder how many other sports remember days. ‘Oh, I remember that tennis game with Dennis…’

Those waves are humungous. You can tell by the crowd factor alone. At 8 foot there were thirty guys in the water, all ripping.

Be honest, would you have paddled out?

Moi? Maybe twenty years ago when I was 12 kg lighter and ten times fitter, but today? No. I would drown if I wiped out and probably not even get out through the foamies. Never seen that size here rideable, ever. Biggest would be 8 foot.

The road frog flat water will change shortly I believe. Probably be epic here just after I leave.

[quote=“mcstrange”]Biggest Ulu I’ve surfed was solid 8 foot and hollow and I shat myself. Got a few memorable tubes and took a few good beatings too. Memorable times from 20 years back. Plenty sea snakes back then too, and small reef sharks to add extra piquancy.

I wonder how many other sports remember days. ‘Oh, I remember that tennis game with Dennis…’

Those waves are humungous. You can tell by the crowd factor alone. At 8 foot there were thirty guys in the water, all ripping.

Be honest, would you have paddled out?

Moi? Maybe twenty years ago when I was 12 kg lighter and ten times fitter, but today? No. I would drown if I wiped out and probably not even get out through the foamies. Never seen that size here rideable, ever. Biggest would be 8 foot.

The road frog flat water will change shortly I believe. Probably be epic here just after I leave.[/quote]

I’ve never not paddled out. Two years ago I went to Mavericks but didn’t think I was fit enough to make the 45 minute paddle out to the line up. (Ulus wasn’t an easy paddle out either)

I surfed Kramas when it was well overhead in Feb. and younger guys were watching me safely from the beach. I only stayed out for 1/2 hour because it was exhausting trying to stay in position.

I paddled out in this last year at Wu Shr Gang, it was a Monday morning and I was alone which made the situation a little more tense.

I don’t know maybe I wouldn’t.

double “P”

Hoowie…22 Ft waves predicted on Friday! :unamused:

Look for me on TV getting arrested by the shore patrol.