Swastikas in the Taipei Times

or resent, we are just re-feeling…over and over…“I’m NEVER going to forgive him/her for that!”.

How many people do you/we know that define themselves by the very hate/intollerance they have for someone else? How sad they are, suffocating on their own poison and/or projecting it onto others.

When I decided to become a better parent, I read. Now I am convinced that all the great parents are Jewish. (Well, Jesus might disagree…“Why me Father?”). In addition, when I studied physics, I came to know that all the great physicists are Jewish. So believe me when I say that I have the greatest respect for Jewish people…(and secretly wish that I too was “blessed as Ephraim and Mannaseh”).

However, I humbly suggest that I think a movie needs to be made, and that movie needs to be called, “The Last Movie Ever To Be Made About The Holocaust.”…Why? Because I think there is a thin line between making sure that I/(other people) remember what happened to me, and me just poisoning myself as I resent. (Yes, sort of off on a tangent now, but I wonder how many “Rwanda Hotel”-like movies will be made?..btw…This is a great rental as long as you make sure you have lots of tissues near you!)

It IS important to FORGIVE AND…I bet you thought I was going to say “FORGET”, right?

Forgive?..Yes! Forget?..Never!..However, you only hurt yourself when you resent.

You will get better if you can accept a little pain. Not only will you not react so easily, but also you’ll be able to laugh at your own tragedies. For after all, what is comedy (as Woody Allen suggests) but being emotionally removed from tragedy through a process of time.

Unfortunately, one can also be emotionally removed from tragedy through indifference…which is in essence, a lack of empathy…and there isn’t much we can do for those who are cursed with this.
However, we can work on ourselves with the hope that we no longer react to (what we may or may not perceive to be) the limitations of others.

It might also help to keep in mind, that no two people view the same sentence in the same way, (I forget who said this?).

So are you now ready to laugh at your own tragedies? NO?..Well, that’s ok for now, but ([color=blue]PLEASE check out: hoffmaninstitute.ca/[/color] )…in the meantime, I welcome you to come and laugh at my/our tragedies:

[Help me I've been hypnotized!

p.s. 黑! All I’z sayn iz…that there’s 2 sides to every cracker!
p.p.s. I’ve recently broke up with my g.f., so I’ve changed my English name to Byran…謝謝