I wouldnt judge Sweden on one nutter going on a rampage.
I would judge it on the crime stats which, like most of Europe, demonstrate how everyone is just getting along great. Living in a multicultural wonderland.
Yes, one off event, but crime is high as far as murder by Euro standards (maybe the worst)
For the news below:
Sweden has been plagued by gang crime that has escalated over the last two decades and has seen the Nordic nation top the rankings of deadly gun violence per capita in Europe
Yesterdayās killing seems to be a lonely nut case, terrible news, sad pictures and scary videos from that education center
But the larger problem is all the gang violenceā¦ Sweden is nowadays very different from when I lived there, I left Sweden when I was a teenagerā¦ so 40+ years agoā¦. At that time Sweden was a safe place, nowadays not so greatā¦
In my own opinion, the problem with Swedish law has always been that if a kid (below 15) commits a crime then almost no punishment ā¦ So the gangs utilize kids to do the shooting, and if no clear evidence then the older men who ordered the killing goes freeā¦
Sweden reports their crimes differently to other countries.
For example, if someone repeatedly raped someone else over a long time period, some countries report this as one incident, however in Sweden they report it per instance that it occurred.
There are crimes that might be prone to data errors.
Gun violence is usually not prone to data error and Sweden has a huge issue in that regard. Overall, Sweden, as well as much of Europe is pretty safe compared to much of the world. But Sweden is so much worse compared to Denmark.
Gang related gun violence in Sweden is as bad as in Macedonia, Albania and Marseille. Hope that they can turn their country around. Could be so easy: Just have a look how Denmark does it with much less resources. Or Norway!
There need follow USA and save money in the gov with less staff not more. I saw the Japan news as Japanās president meets USA president and how he try to reduce USA overstaffing.