Original Title: Ta ma de! wankers come to chu shan!
most of my foriegner meeting experiences here in chu shan have been positive. there was little M, a black guy from S. LA (left already), there’s a couple from south africa (solid folks), there’s the pizza guy (out of business, said hi once, seems like an okay guy, has a solid rep). then of course there’s myself, known around town as “that little foriegner that you don’t fuck with”.
last night at a restaurant, there was this wanker new guy, hopefully just passing thru. this guy was working the “foriegner angle”. you know: "i can’t speak a lick of mandarin therefore i deserve to be the center of attention. talks loud. smiles the kind of smile that will get his ass kicked if the right people are around.
at any rate, i give him the old foriegner "hi guy"upwards nod. guy disses me like i was intruding on his little scam. the hi guy nod is standard courtesty among us foriegners. it’s a show of kindness, i wanna be your friend if you’re not a wanker, a kind of “how do you do”. guy disses the foriegner nod with me, he gets put into the wanker category.
this guy had just met these two young people. when the boyfriend left he was giving the girl the old “i’m pretending to thank you guys for showing me this restaurant” hug, ie “i’m a horny fucker and just trying to get what amount of feel i can on an unsuspecting girl” hug.
when he went outside (with the guy’s girlfriend), i wanted to take the kid to the side and say “listen, don’t let some ruan chi ba dzao foriegner hug on your woman like that. what are you, some kind of pussy? your’re supposed to protect her from freaks and wankers”. my new found “i wanna control myself side” didn’t say anything.
hopefully this stink is just passing thru.
Ha! Based on your reaction to this and most things, I get the impression that people have a lot of fun winding you up. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice, man. Nobody is out trying to break your fragile little egg of a world.
I agree. There is far too little violence in the world. Advocate it at every opportunity. Set yourself up as judge, jury and executioner. Be suprised when others don’t intuit your super powers. Write short punchy sentences and wonder if it’s not a better day to visit the mokey clan. Perhaps they have some wisdom to impart on a gorgeoues day like today…
Though I’m not very good for greeting strangers myself I’ve recently had quite a few foreigners come up and introduce themselves to me. They did seem a little on the strange side (because you know I’m perfect ) but were cool in my book for letting their guard down and opening up.
For sure there is a lot of foreign wanks out there but on the up side they will probably not bother you.
i lay no claims to chu shan. anybody that wants it can have it. i have no stakes here. like i said, i meet a lot of quality people, so i don’t care about wankers. but this guy was wearing it- the whole wanker facade.
but fortunately, i disconnected. totally at peace with the fact that he’s a wanker and i’m not.
[quote=“theposter”]guys, you had to be there. this guy was a loser.
i lay no claims to chu shan. anybody that wants it can have it. i have no stakes here. like i said, i meet a lot of quality people, so i don’t care about wankers. but this guy was wearing it- the whole wanker facade.
but fortunately, i disconnected. totally at peace with the fact that he’s a wanker and i’m not.[/quote]
Lower your expectations. Assume the worst and you’ll occasionally be surprised and delighted. The world is full of bad, stupid, boring and mean people. This does not concern me at all, as long as they stay out of my way. There are good people too. Takes all sort, blahblahblah. Why does it annoy you if a ‘waiguaoren’ is an arse? He doesn’t represent you.
Just a few thoughts on this, and this isn’t an attack on you, as I often employ “the nod” as well.
When someone smiles and says hello to you, it is considered courteous to return the greeting with a nice smile and hello. You feel slighted because you feel this guy did not return your courtesy. However you didn’t smile and say hello to him, you simply gave him “the nod”, your definition of which is "a show of kindness, i wanna be your friend if you’re not a wanker, a kind of “how do you do” (I agree). However, I think the nod is far more appropriate when passing on the street (that’s usually when I do it), or in situations where it’s not convenient to stop and shoot the shit. In more social settings, such as a restaurant or bar, if you’re serious about wanting to make new friends and not just acknowledging someone’s existence, perhaps its more appropriate to stop and actually say hello, shake hands, introduce yourself, etc. If you had done that, perhaps this guy would not have brushed you off the way he did.
On the other hand, you shouldn’t necessarily feel that anyone HAS to befriend you just because you may share the same skin color in a foreign country. While some of us enjoy making new friends, it might not be a priority to some. So I don’t think you should feel insulted by the fact that this guy blew you off. After all, you gave him “the nod”, its not like you went over, introduced yourself, held out your hand for a shake, and he gave you an evil gaze and told you to piss off. If that had happened, you’d have much more cause to be upset over his rudeness.
theposter -
Sounds good. You did your analysis and acted, in this case non-acted, accordingly.
Another chapter in “The World According to ThePoster.”
One afternoon last week, on our daily walk, the youngcowboy and I met a new foreigner. I’d briefly seen him a week or so previous. We met on the street and talked for a 1/2 hour or so. Delightful gentleman. Retired US Air Force, met his wife here in 1968, married her in 1969 and they have been living in his native Texas. Just moved here for a year or so. Hope to have dinner with him & his wife soon.
One should discriminate, while still keeping the mind open.
Use your skills and intuition.
monster don’t you think some foriegners are working the system against unsuspecting taiwanese? playing the culture/info gap to their advantage?
i once saw a guy, in his 30s, hand in hand with a high school girl. i could tell from his face, he was horny.
girls here think holding hands doesn’t mean eros attraction in western countries, a myth which many foriegners here perpetrate to their advantage.this girl probably had no idea (on the other hand maybe she did)that she was giving him a stiffy.
dirty guy but also lucky dog in my book.
girls here think holding hands doesn’t mean eros attraction in western countries, a myth which many foriegners here perpetrate to their advantage.this girl probably had no idea (on the other hand maybe she did)that she was giving him a stiffy.
dirty guy but also lucky dog in my book.[/quote] Stop staring at male foreigners willies and they may start nodding. :s
I agree with you to some degree. There are a lot of people here taking advantage of the system, sure. But again, it’s a two way street.
I say let those guys slide because if you truly are a better person then people will see that in you. Others who have a streak of jealousy or who are mean spirited can be spotted a mile away and you just can’t punish every asshole you meet or see, right? Let’em be. I truly believe in what goes around comes around. And to tell you the truth, I believe that the most miserable people are the same dudes you’re trying to point out.
Shit happens man. If I had a dime for everyone who’s looked at me cockeyed because I appear a certain way or how I speak my mind…then I’d be rich.
totally at peace with the fact that he’s a wanker and i’m not.[/quote]
That’s wonderful. It’s good you have found your piece.
Yet, why not take the short way home next time someone does not return yer nod. In other words, not think so much about trivial & contrite human freeze-frames.
Think positive about it.
Maybe the Main Offender did not groove out on your funky aeromatic groovy aromas.
"He’s a wanker…", indeed. And…?
That’s like saying he’s a gorger, a puker, and a rogerer!
Where will it end?
It’s the thin edge of the wedge, I SaY!
For aren’t we all wankers, deep down inside?
Have pity on the poor wanker, as it’s a fine form of exercise. WHich is pretty much all about self-indulgence anyways, so get with the gang, and hang with the herd.