Moderator note: The original thread title was 89 closes. any other? This post relates to the fire discussed here.
So the first major victim of Taichung City Government has fallen. Anyone know what is likely to happen next?
Moderator note: The original thread title was 89 closes. any other? This post relates to the fire discussed here.
So the first major victim of Taichung City Government has fallen. Anyone know what is likely to happen next?
forgive us that live on foreign shores…what the fluck is 89k? And how did the chung gov mess them up?
89k was a bar in Taichung. Usually packed every weekend for live music. After the bar fire, the government apparently has been doing what most would consider a witch hunt on bars to try to save face.
I’m still not certain about the details, but it does suck. Wondering if anyone has heard of other bars that have been having problems.
I went to the place a couple times. It’s a somewhat western-style bar with live music. The place seemed to fill up pretty well. I’m surprised they closed. What happened?
They came in for an inspection this week and apparently made them close. I don’t know the details.
I know bars in Changhua get more visits since the Taichung bar fire, but they just seem to show up, walk around, and leave.
Come on! 89K was a complete firetrap. We played there a few times over the years and sure, it was a fun place, but a total deathtrap nonetheless.
Who wants to bet whatever bar that closes will be taken over by, eh, alternate organized management -wink-? I mean, competely over.
yeah, death trap. i never noticed but, yeah, especially upstairs…
They probably registered as a coffee shop or drinks store … :ohreally:
Ha! We must deal with the same [strike]organized crime[/strike] whoops, I mean government people.
The building doesn’t match the original blueprints. Never mind that it had to be inspected before hand and had constant inspections in subsequent years.
Why they call it the Chungle. Rule of law? You have GOT to be joking. Money talks. And Jason Who’s? lackeys LOVE money!
I guess the owners of 89K didn’t pay the right “fees” to the right people.
The Londoner has also recently been shut down for the same reason - failed an inspection due to problems with original blueprints.
Pity as it was one of the best foreigner friendly bars in Taichung…
Really? That’s a shame. Although in fairness, like 89k, it really was a giant firetrap.
sandman, you really should leave your cave once in a while. 89k moved FIVE YEARS AGO to a totally concrete building. Maybe if MBR would play more than once a year you wouldn’t be such a crankyass!
No wonder I couldn’t find it last time I went to Taichung!
Those City Cafe places outside 7-11 are still OK, aren’t they? I refuse to shell out more than 45NTD for a beer.
You can add La Bodega and Fubar to the list
Fubar?! DAmn! i was actually quite looking forward to their Canada day celebrations!!
Hopefully PJ’s Irish (the Irish pub on the same street) is still open? Otherwise I’m screwed…
EDIT: according to their FB, Fubar actually taking a break over the summer. I guess it’s a pre-emptive measure; if they’re closed, they can’t get inspected and have their license taken away.