Taichung Entrepreneurs Meetup - Thurs May 12

Date: Thursday, May 12

Time: 7pm.

Location: Patio Restaurant, a nice cocktail and burger place off of Jing Cheng St (403台中市西區精誠六街35號, close to the ZhongMing/ZhongGang intersection)

Sign up for our Google group at groups.google.com/group/taichung-sme-club?hl=en.

I am going. Who else is going?

So sorry – I totally forgot about this until late last night. It’s been a busy month.

Did anyone go?

I didn’t realize that it was taking place at a different place. So the timing was bad because of the extra traveling time; I was short of time this time. I didn’t end up going.

Next time, we should plan the event on meetup.com.