Hello all,
A few people have been asking me to start a push hands class and I’m finally going to do it.
My classes are going to mainly focus on the principals laid out by my taiji teacher Master Wang.
You can read more about Master Wang [HERE]
The seven principals are:
You can read more about his principals over [HERE]
Classes will be once a week on Sundays. They will last 2 hours. The cost will be 1,500NT/month.
A regular class would include warming up with the form (the Chen 37, slightly modified with the principals), some relaxation exercises, a drill or two focusing on one of the seven principals, then we’d push hands/[search center].
As for a little bit about myself…
I’ve been interested in Martial Arts almost as long as I can remember and got into a karate program at the local YMCA after much bugging of mom on my part. After a couple years of that, I had to wait until I was old enough to take the initiative in my MA quest (which happened to be 16 for me.)
This quest lead me to [The Chinese Kungfu Center] which was started by [Grand Master Yin] and at that time run by a group of his students. Although he wasn’t physically there, his spirit was very present in the form of the students that originally trained with him. I’ve ended up adopting the same phylosophy about Martial Arts as he has:
[quote="Grandmaster Chian Ho Yin "]Practice kung fu for three reasons. First, for health - body strong! Next, for art and enjoyment - beautiful! Last, for defense - can use!
In all situations, be aware, be mindful and be indomitable.
I wish for all my students to be good gentlemen and ladies. Good man, strong man, rich man - gentleman (and lady)![/quote]
At the Kungfu Center I grew quite attached to one of the main instructors and he fond of me. That lead to me training as much as I could in and out of class. It was this instructor (Shelton, I always just referred to him as Shelton) that peaked my interest in Taiji.
I began practicing Taiji in the parks of Milwaukee with many different people, but eventually heard about Master Wang and I made a trip to visit him in 2002. After I experienced what he could do and listened to what he had to say, I was sold for life. That same year I arrived in Taipei and began studying at 228 park. Now, the majority of my times is spent practicing Brazilian Jujitsu while applying the 7 principals that I’ve learned from Master Wang.
If you’re interested in class, PM a short description of your Taiji/Martial Arts background. If you don’t have one, tell about why you’re interested.
Questions can be posted here, or PMed/emailed to me. My phone number is 0988-286-820.