Tainan May Jam, April 30th-May 1st. 2011


11th edition of the Tainan May Jam, April 30th and May 1st !

The Tainan May Jam (台南五月音樂季) is perhaps one of Tainan’s most interesting event for independent music, with no intentions to change the simplistic style of the event. It is all about creativity musicianship and the love for music. Locals bands from all over Taiwan play at the May Jam, all types of music: rock, funky, blues, jazz, classical …
五月音樂季是由德國人Axel 發起策劃 通常在五月的第一個周末舉辦 活動為期兩天 來自台灣各地的表演樂團 有台灣人有外國人 表演曲風有…

Pre-sale tickets are ready at NT$200/day/person or NT$350/2 day pass/person (more info here)
門票: 一日票: 預售票: NT$200/張, 兩日票: 預售票: NT$350/張

The event is located in Annan District, north of Tainan City (more info here)

More details and information on our website mayjam.com

Bands can register here http://www.mayjam.com/bands-registration

If you are on Twitter and Plurk, follow us @TainanMayJam for the latest updates, and Facebook http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=40316962902&v=wall

Welcome to join us for two great days of music, fun and happiness.

More pictures of the last May Jam at http://www.mayjam.com/2009/05/24/photos-of-may-jam-2009/

Here we have a first list of the 2011 Tainan May Jam’s bands that have registered so far. We still receiving registration forms, so the list may change during the next days. The final schedule is not yet define, Axel will have finishing it by April 20th …
Updates coming soon< Check the blog http://www.mayjam.com/2011/04/13/2011-bands-list/

May Jam is providing free bus service, leaving from Tin Pan Alley Restaurant (in walking distant from the front side of the Tainan Train Station)

The service will run on Saturday and Sunday, starts from 1pm and will return every hour or so depending how many people will be there !
Last bus from MayJam will be around 10:30pm.

免費接駁巴士往返 叮盤美式複合餐廳 Tin Pan Alley 台南市北門路二段28號 TO MayJam ! 約每小時一班. Start: 1pm

More on http://www.mayjam.com/2011/04/20/free-bus-service/ :wink:

List of the 2011 Tainan May Jam’s bands / 2011年台南音樂季的表演樂團 !

We are glad to announce the 25 bands that are going to play at the 2011 Tainan May Jam. Check the bands intro mayjam.com/schedule Don’t miss it :slight_smile:

很高興地為大家宣布參與此次音樂季的25個樂團 mayjam.com/2011bands/
每個樂團的表演時間: mayjam.com/schedule

Saturday, April 30th – 4/30(六) 2011:

  1. Overkillband 威力樂團
  2. Com’z
  3. Outlet Drift 漂流出口
  4. MudBros
  5. Loose Lion
  6. Monkey Banana
  7. The ever so friendlies
  8. Funky Brothers 放客兄弟
  9. The ever so Friendly
  10. The Apes have landed
  11. Fun People
  12. Dirty Southern Rituals
  13. Collider

Sunday, May 1st – 5/01(日) 2011:

  1. Indigo Child
  2. Cubic
  3. Long Hair Monster 長毛怪樂隊
  4. 2 Acres Plower
  5. Iron Butterfly Mandolin Troupe
  6. Unfinished
  7. 06-Africa 06西非鼓舞團
  8. Charlie Swiggs Band
  9. Alma Itana
  10. The Combobulatorz
  11. Dog Eat Dog
  12. American Muffin
  13. Nude on the Radio

Other info:
Camping is possible, however it is on a very very simple base, facilities wise, etc. There are squat toilets in which we will take showers with pails / buckets of cold water. If that is good enough for you, welcome to camp. It is basically for free this year, cause it is not a camping ground yet!,… but my little token for people that travel and want to stay for two days and crash on site. The beach is, by the way, a max 10 minute walk away!

Or check the list of hotels from Trip Advisor tripadvisor.com/Hotels-g2939 … otels.html