Tainan's Keystone Cops....Be Afraid

Read in the Taipei Times yesterday that a pair of criminals on the highway managed to get a policeman’s gun from him and shoot a man in a passing vehicle(who ended up dead from either the gunshot or the accident that followed). Then forced another woman out of her car and took off. The police then mistakenly arrested a man whose own mother claimed him to be retarded. The pair were caught eventually.
taipeitimes.com/News/front/a … 2003353019

My wife tells me that there was another case, also in Tainan, yesterday of a guy getting a gun from a policeman, and this guy wasn’t caught. Anyone hear anything on this? It’s a little frightening.

Last year there was a similar case, i think. I remember reading about it in the papers. It was two men who just took it from the cop’s holster. And took off on a scooter.

Try the Apple Daily archives if you can go back last year.


Suspect grabs policeman’s pistol, shoots him in hip

…A Tainan County police officer was robbed of his pistol and shot by a suspect he wanted to arrest yesterday, marking the second time in one week in the county that a police officer had his pistol stolen…[/quote]

My very favourite Taiwan cop story is the sorry tale of the undercover copper who commandeered a scooter to give chase to a couple of bank robbers. He was riding and firing down a major road in Taichug at lunch time - one hopes he was a natural left hander! Anyway, two uniform cops see this dude flying along on a scoot blasting away and shot him down. Fortunately he didn’t die, but the robbers got away.

But it’s not just Taiwan cops that have it so bad. In HK the coppers usually shoot themselves or each other, and for very sinisiter reasons. There’s an investigation now about how a copper lured two cops into a tunnel and shot them both. he also died in the shootout. Turns out the copper had killed another cop a couple of years before after stealing his pistol, and then used it to kill a security guard in a bank hold up.

Meanwhile, the cleaners are kept busy hosing out the waiting rooms at the HK ICAC hearings as almost monthly some cop invited in for questioning blows his brains out. Why they allow guns in there is beyond me. Then again, perhaps they offer them? "Go on constable Luk Fuk Duk, it really is time to do the right thing, now . . . "


Chief Wiggum: This is Papa Bear. Put out an APB for a male suspect, driving a… car of some sort, heading in the direction of, uh, you know, that place that sells chili. Suspect is hatless. Repeat, hatless.”

…the fun never ends…

Aren’t coppers pistols here attached to their belts with a chain?

Not the ones that I’ve seen.