I will be spending a weekend in Taipei in a few weeks (I’ll be visting Taichung for two weeks from Las Vegas) and I’ll be hanging out with the wife’s older cousin. I’m 32 and she’s 38 and we’re gonna hit the town one night. She’s not much of a party person but I told her I wanted to check out a club in Taipei. She told me to check around and see what I like but I have no idea where to go. I’ve checked out the Taiwan Nights website and all the crowds seem very young. We’re looking for a place that plays American/English music but would have an older crowd. Not that there is anything wrong with partying with twenty somethings but I don’t want her to be uncomfortable I see some places give you free drinks with the cover charge which is pretty dam cool as nobody in Vegas does that. I’m also wondering about safety, I know there was a fire in Taichung that killed some people so I obviously would not want to be in a place that could find itself on the news for the wrong thing.
Sounds like we have similar interests and age group. You won’t find anything like the selections in Vegas but a “safe” bet for for a one night outing to find good music, food and people to relate to is Carnegies. No live music, not too loud nor too sedate. Weekends are of course better but you will have a good time - - anytime.
From what you requested, I would shy away from Brass Monkey and the like but for the younger group who want loud and crowd, Monkey fits the bill.
Carnegies is at Anhe Rd Section 2, No. 100, Taipei.
Bars aren’t bad but they have to play music, when I hit a bar I want some good old rock music. My guess is the W bar would be pretty trendy and I’m not really feeling the dress to impress thing. I guess I should have put that in my original post. I would if I had to but I’d much prefer a place I can go with shorts and a t shirt. The humidity kills me everytime I’m over there so dress pants and a nice shirt thing are something I try to avoid (except when I have to go to a wedding like I do this time in which case I feel like I’m the only guy who doesn’t show up in slippers or sandals and socks) I also like to look (but I can’t play) at the women so would these places have some good looking women? It’ll be the weekend so I’m sure there will be a lot of people out.
BTW Ice hockey in Taiwan? How popular has this gotten? I saw the NHL thread but when I saw your sig I’d say I was lying if I wasn’t intrigued.
Follow Enigma’s advice then, Carnegies plays a lot of old hits and caters to a casual crowd. Don’t know about shorts and a t-shirt if you go there at night, but shorts and a golf shirt, you’ll likely have no problem.
Hockey is doing well here. We have a league with 12 teams in two divisions and our membership is about 70% local, so it’s growing all the time. Come out to the arena and watch a game if you have time.
[quote=“citizen k”]Follow Enigma’s advice then, Carnegies plays a lot of old hits and caters to a casual crowd. Don’t know about shorts and a t-shirt if you go there at night, but shorts and a golf shirt, you’ll likely have no problem.
Hockey is doing well here. We have a league with 12 teams in two divisions and our membership is about 70% local, so it’s growing all the time. Come out to the arena and watch a game if you have time. [/quote]
That seems to be a good idea, I think that’s what I’ll do. I’m sure the person I’m with knows where it is. She has lived in Taipei most of her life and she lives pretty close to downtown.
Are there any games in Taichung as that’s where I’ll be spending most of my time? That’s pretty awesome that it’s mostly local. If I get a chance I’ll absolutely check it out.
No, the only proper rink that is in Taipei, though we do have a few players that take the High Speed Rail up from Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung to play each weekend.
Same vibe as Carnegies, but a little younger. Mix of business people and English teachers with most of the different sporting communities represented. For dancing and music, I think you will want to go there on a Thursday for ladies night; it’s pretty much a sports bar with events on the big screen the rest of the time.
[quote=“dnwolfgang”]I recommend putting on some pants and going to Brown Sugar, W Hotel Bar, or Bar Code, depending on your budget and tastes
Carnegie’s might be disappointing for you… I know I would be disappointed if I was on a vacation and ended up at a place like Carnegie’s.[/quote]
These places you mentioned, are they more likely to have some locals? I’ll have to ask the person that I’ll be rolling with if she is familiar with these places. I just foudn out that the party I was going to has been changed from an outdoor cookout to lunch at the Evergreen Hotel in Taichung so I guess I’ll have that nice pair of pants with me. Would a polo shirt be cool or should I go more with a button up shirt?
Budget not really an issue although I personally thought the drink menu at Brass Monkey to be close to on par with what they cost at a locals place in Vegas although I’d have a hard time dropping 150 NTD for some of those beers. No offense to the people who go there but 5 bucks for a crappy Budwesier is a little ridiculous.
I went to the W last weekend; $5000 table minimums and very little space at the bar. These do seem to get relaxed as the evening goes on, though. Expect about $8 for that Budweiser here.
Was also at Primo for a friends birthday party; mix of young professionals in their 30’s and students that are younger. 90% local, as most bars or clubs here.
We hit up Bar Code (which I thought for the price was disapointing) but we walked over to Brown Sugar and that was more my speed. I wandered into B52 which is right around the corner from my hotel, ordered a beer then realized what the deal was and walked out with my beer in hand. Didn’t realize that happened in this city.