Taipei door

Sorry for the strange question, but can anyone here tell me where in Taipei the large red door in this video is located?

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Welcome to Forumosa!

I’m not exactly sure… but does this look like the place you’re looking for?

that could be anywhere

Thanks! It does look similar but not quite the same. I’ll look at more photos from there to be sure.

Here it is on a photo I found:

Email the two guys in the photo, I’m sure they’ll remember

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Thanks. I emailed them earlier asking if they knew the sword teacher (Li Jinfei) from the video I posted. I’ve been looking for information about him for awhile with only limited success. That video was filmed in the mid 70s and he looks middle aged there so chances are he’s no longer with us. Long shot though it is, maybe I’ll start another topic on here about him at some point!

If they email back I’ll ask them about the door as well.

Post it in the Pic Quiz forum and you’ll have a response within 2 hours.

There came some guess.


I thought that too, but I couldn’t find any likely photos. I thought maybe the old movie studio in Shilin, but not in 1969.

Here’s a photo. Looks like the same door with an awning.國立歷史博物館/@25.0315698,121.5111994,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOsZSgD5_CLjJ2beUTTT24q9Pqob8SRwzE5VrAZ!2e10!3e12!!7i3840!8i2160!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x3442a9a2ed0ab031:0x875462fdfabb3ab1!2zMTAw5Y-w5YyX5biC5Lit5q2j5Y2A5Y2X5rW36Lev!3b1!8m2!3d25.0313616!4d121.5121266!3m4!1s0x3442a9a3ad3d1ecf:0x99a6838a6811d6ec!8m2!3d25.0315698!4d121.5111997#


There you go. Nice one

Thanks! That definitely looks like it. I did wonder once the Botanical garden was mentioned that it might be there as I know the well-known Tai Chi teacher T.T Liang had filmed there and he was also to do with this man, Li Jinfei.