[quote=“trail_hacker”]Hi Mucha_Man:
I’m already back from Korea and in Taiwan now. But I’ve to go to XinChu for my grandmother’s 90 birthday this Sunday. If you’ll go to Nan-Ao next weekend I may join you. Well, it’s autumn now and Yilan get most of its rainfall now. So pray for a fair sunny day!
Even though Four Season is the starting point for Nan-Hu-Da-Shan. I can’t find any travelogue about this hotspring except this one(twem.idv.tw/2/a114.htm).The Four Season hotspring seems not to be among the most popular wild hotsprings in Taiwan. It’s too far from Taipei and the spring isn’t really that hot(only 32 degree). There’re a lot of wild hotsprings along northern cross road which are bigger, hotter and may be more interesting.
The best source for Taiwan’s wild hotspring may be this (a little outdated) book:
You can easily get this book from outdoor gear store like Metroasis.
By the way, when will you be a full-time lonely planet auther? I hike sometimes during weekdays so we may be talking along the trail some time.[/quote]
Thanks for the book reference. You are an immense wealth of information.
That website is the one Omni translated. Yeah, the spring is not so hot, but the journey up sounds nice. And with the Ilan tunnel it’s not that far. Maybe 2 hours to drive. It takes almost that long to get to Wulai from my house if I have to take a bus.
Anyway, it looks like it is going to be rainy this weekend in Ilan so I may have to cancel.
I start research next week. I’ll be doing the north for the first month so yes, let’s get together during the week for some hikes.
I’d like to do the Wulai to Ilan hike for sure.
Next weekend I do plan to go to Nanao. I want to get a pic of me and some others going off the waterfall. Probably spend the weekend there camping. Hope you can join us.
Oh, and please wish your grannie a very happy birthday from me.