Taipei People--Where do you live?

Taipei People–Where do you live?

  • Peitou
  • Shilin
  • Tienmu (within Shilin)
  • Tatung (Datong)
  • Chungshan
  • Sungshan
  • Neihu
  • Wanhua
  • Chungcheng (Zhongzheng)
  • Taan
  • Hsinyi (Xinyi)
  • Nankang
  • Wenshan
  • Xizhi

0 voters

Choose your city district.

I live in Xizhi, just past the boundary between Taipei City and Taipei County, in Lotus Hill, as do at least 3 other regular Segue posters. Maybe you could add Xizhi to the list even though we aren’t technically in Taipei City… :wink:


I used to live in Da Jr b[/b] , on the extreme north side of town (just across the Keelong b[/b] River). Not a bad part of town. What I liked best was that it didn’t seem to rain quite as much up there.

Why limit it to the city ? Plenty of people in Yong He.

And Chong He b[/b]!!! And I mean PLENTY of people!!!

Why not limit it? If he wants to know where in Taipei you live then there is no need to include other cities.
If he wanted to know where in Taiwan you live then it’s a different thing - and I would have voted Matsu instead. :wink:

[quote=“Rascal”]Why not limit it? If he wants to know where in Taipei you live then there is no need to include other cities.
If he wanted to know where in Taiwan you live then it’s a different thing - and I would have voted Matsu instead. :wink:[/quote]

I’ll race ya to Poxy 99…

I live in Yangmei, which is a nice small town in the northern part of Taiwan. Here, I have found a gated community, which is nice with lots of fresh air, parks, and great views. Ask Richard Hartzell, he’s here right now :wink: .

Don’t add Yangmei in, but Taoyuan county might be a good idea.

Taipei City only, or also Taipei County? I live in Hsin Tien, and I think a few other in the Segue forum live here as well.

Used to live in Hsintien. Moved to Wenshan about a year ago. Moving to Chungshan district next month. Not sure where to list myself seeing as I haven’t moved out of Wenshan yet…

Seems you need to add several places to your poll… You have included some Taipei City Districts and Some Taipei County areas, their are plenty more to add…

Actually, the poll choices are all districts within the city of Taipei, according to more than one map (except Xizhi, because somebody wanted it added, but I should’ve just left it alone). I didn’t list cities in Taipei county because I wasn’t interested in those (no offense to those disappointed they couldn’t vote in the poll :unamused:). I’m simply curious about expats living in Taipei, and what districts they prefer.

Well in that case, I lived for about five years in Wenshan District, but eventually had to get out of the filth and find somewhere slightly less concreteified, hence Bitan (which’ll soon be even nicer with the advent of firefly season). There were about 50 of these little beauties in my garden this morning when I woke up.

And one of these just the other day.

Yeah you need to add Yungho, you can’t swing a dead cat without whacking a waigy on the forehead these days. Amazing how things can change that much in 3 years.

Yeah, the pollution must be addling their brains. They used to be smart enough to duck. :wink:

This is silly. Places like Yonghe and Banqiao are closer to the core of Taipei than Tianmu or Beitou. There has always been a significant contingent of foreigners living in Xindian. The distinction between Taipei City and County is artificial.

I hope by this you’re not trying to suggest that we enlightened suburban dwellers have anything at all in common with you dreadful townies! :wink:

It’s official…I live in the Zhongshan district now. I represent 3% of all Taipei waiguoren…go me!

I thought you were in Da Tong Imani? Wasn’t it Nanjing W Rd?
