What is the best way to get from Taipei to Leofoo Village (other than having your own car or motorcycle, of course)? Thanks!
One way to get from Taipei to Leofoo Village is by the Tp- LeFoo-Window on China bus. It makes several stops from the domestic airport, to Ching An MRT, then the freeway to the two entertainment spots. Fare from Ching An $80.
Scheduled every 40-50 minutes, but as reliable as pony express- they miss two buses, get caught in traffic, and generally don’t care about their regular customers who make up 90 % of their business.
There’s another bus that goes there. You stop about halfway and pay for the bus and Liufoo ticket together. Unfortunately I think it’s just got Chinese characters on it, so you’ll need to read those. Three places it stops are Dunhua N Rd by the Asiaworld Plaza. Jilong Rd just before the intersection with Roosevelt (uni side of the Rd). Jing-An MRT station. There are plenty of other stops, but I don’t remember the route.
Don’t take the bus from Sung Shan airport, you spend 45 minutes stopping at every possible stop within Taipei. Better take the MRT to Ching An and catch it from there …
It’s the one with the monkeys and the fireworks on it, right?