I need to translate my last documents contrats and Diploma French to Chinese for a Work Visa application in Taiwan, I’m living in Taipei now, My documents after the translation done need to be notarized by the French Embassy and accept by the Taïwanaise immigration for the Visa application,
I already contact few Agency but the price is very high, 21000 $ for 8 pages
Anyone know a good translation company ?
Thanks a lots
Normally the French embassy can only notarize the French part, than have it translated, afterwards have it notarized by a notary public, then go to the BOCA to stamp it, because BOCA can only validate the Chinese part and issue a visa. Boca has signatures of all foreign ‘diplomats’ and representatives on file. In the end immigration validates the BOCA visa and can issue an ARC. Immigration does not issue visa.
Perhaps recently there are shortcuts, I just know what I had to do. In Europe it’s a similar path to get documents for Taiwan translated and notarized.