Taiwa Baseball Jerseys

I’m looking to buy some Taiwan baseball team jerseys with Chinese writing and such. Something real souvenir-ish for the family.The more Chinese writing and stuff like that on them the better. I’m wondering if there is like a baseball apparel store somewhere in Taipei near an MRT station or something like that near an MRT station.

I have only seen them at the baseball games here. You would think you could buy jerseys for the Taiwanese sports teams anywhere, but no way. For Xmas I wanted to get my friend here a Taiwan beer basketball jersey. I looked and asked everywhere. I eventually called the Taiwan beer basketball hotline asking about where to buy their jerseys and they told me they don’t have them for sale. What?? That is crazy? So I went to a mom and pop sports store, bought a blank green jersey and they made me a copy of a Taiwan Beer basketball jersey. It looked identical to the original. I even got my friends last name on the back and his basketball number. Hahhahaha! I love Taiwan, love it here, but this country is so backwards sometimes. Good luck!!

sew a bunch of corporate logos on a yellow and black T-shirt and tell them it is a Brother Elephants jersey

you can visit online shopping website based in Taiwanwww. TaiwanBaseball.com.tw and choose something there :wink: