Taiwan aboriginees - their views on nature/environment?

Sorry, on deadline here so I don’t have time to do a search. I’ve got to make a short presentation comparing Native Americans to Taiwan’s aboriginees.

Does anyone know anything about Taiwan’s aboriginees’ beliefs/views/spirituality in regard to nature and the environment? Do they have animal gods, harvest gods, wheather gods…etc…that kind of thing?

Any info will be very helpful and appreciated. Thanks!

May I suggest you limit your comparison to one Aboriginal people and one Native American people. Your topic is a tad broad,

Yes, I believe the Plains Indians, especially the Lakota, had harvest gods. They also built great totem poles honoring animals like the Crows and important lake spirits, and worshipped the dam-building beaver. They built longhouses which housed extended families of 18-30 people. Many agricultural products like tomatoes, corn, and beet that we take for granted were domesticated by the Lakota. Lakota by the way means Sioux which is Mandan for “Us”.

here’s an interesting article.

culturalsurvival.org/publica … A76ACEE01F

Damn! I’m getting old. I thought the Lakota worshiped Wakan Tanka and lived in Teepees and that the totem poles were made by the Native Americans living on the NW coast.


Damn! I’m getting old. I thought the Lakota worshiped Wakan Tanka and lived in Teepees and that the totem poles were made by the Native Americans living on the NW coast.


you’re ruining my fun. okay, so i threw in some iroquois and pacific northwest stuff in there. makes it sexier. more hollywood.

Thanks, that online article was very helpful.