Exhibit A: Big greasy mullets
Exhibit B: Formula 1 racing
Exhibit C: WWF Wrestling
Exhibit D: Rat tails.
I used to think these were cool. Then I turned ELEVEN.
Exhibit A: Big greasy mullets
Exhibit B: Formula 1 racing
Exhibit C: WWF Wrestling
Exhibit D: Rat tails.
I used to think these were cool. Then I turned ELEVEN.
[quote=“beautifulspam”]Exhibit A: Big greasy mullets
Exhibit B: Formula 1 racing
Exhibit C: WWF Wrestling
Exhibit D: Rat tails.
I used to think these were cool. Then I turned ELEVEN.[/quote]
Exhibit B shouldn’t be F1, it’s NASCAR
Arion wrote:
Exhibit B shouldn’t be F1, it’s NASCAR ;-)[/quote]
That would be a better example, but I don’t the taiwanese watch nascar. here it’s F1 and some kind of motorcycle crap.
when all night diners and monster truck rallies come to taiwan i am moving back to southwest virginia where at least the trashiness is first-hand
Taiwan rednecks and American rednecks have nothing in common. This thread is off base.
Taiwan rednecks usually get buzz cuts.
I raelize that hobart, notice I didn’t mention betel nuts, blue sandals or longlife cigarettes. The trend i’m pointing to is one of ordinary taiwanese adopting some of the tastes and habits of american rednecks.
F1 isn’t redneck either. Its the pinnacle of motorsport. Does Schumaccer look like a redneck to you?
the “pinnacle” of “motorsport?” it’s cars that go fast!
motor fans are the adult equivalent of a little boy standing in the street shouting “Fire truck! Fire truck!”
Wow look that car is fast! So is that other car, it’s also fast. Oh I wonder which will be faster. Let’s drive them in a circle 40 times to find out. Wow it’s The blue one! The blue car is faster than the red car. What fun, let’s do it all over again every year forever.
the “pinnacle” of “motorsport?” it’s cars that go fast!
motor fans are the adult equivalent of a little boy standing in the street shouting “Fire truck! Fire truck!”
Wow look that car is fast! So is that other car, it’s also fast. Oh I wonder which will be faster. Let’s drive them in a circle 40 times to find out. Wow it’s The blue one! The blue car is faster than the red car. What fun, let’s do it all over again every year forever.[/quote]
I’m guessing that you could use that analogy with any sport or other form of entertainment where you are watching someone else perform.
Hey Spam, didn’t you say you are from Southwest Virginina. Well that is real RedNeck central. I hope you are not a Hokie grad. I think you are rebelling and loath rednecks so much, that you think all motorsports are for rednecks and you are so redneckphobic that you won’t even give it a chance.
By the way, are you male or female? Even my liberal intellectual Manhatten friends are more open to F1 than you. I apologize for being harsh, but you definitely sound a like a girl or a gay the way you talk about F1. I lived for many years in Virginia so I kind of know where you are coming from, but then I have also lived in Europe and have had many European friends over the years, so maybe you are just sheltered and never ben properly introducd to the world of F1.
Hobart wrote:
Harsh? Why, is there somethig wrong with being gay?
Duh! Yeah, you don’t get to have intimate bodily relations with women.
Unless, you’re a lesbian. :hubba: Oops, I hope I haven’t sent this thread off topic.
[quote]Duh! Yeah, you don’t get to have intimate bodily relations with women.
Somehow, I don’t think that gay men are bothered by this
Duh! Yeah, you don’t get to have intimate bodily relations with women.
Unless, you’re a lesbian. :hubba: Oops, I hope I haven’t sent this thread off topic. [/quote]Hmmm…Lesbian Trailer Parks…now thats an idea!
Duh! Yeah, you don’t get to have intimate bodily relations with women.
Unless, you’re a lesbian. :hubba: Oops, I hope I haven’t sent this thread off topic. [/quote]Hmmm…Lesbian Trailer Parks…now thats an idea![/quote]
Apparently you haven’t been to an Indigo Girls concert in Delaware. A prime place to scope lesbians with mullets, cases of Miller Lite, NHL jerseys, and pickup trucks.
the “pinnacle” of “motorsport?” it’s cars that go fast!
motor fans are the adult equivalent of a little boy standing in the street shouting “Fire truck! Fire truck!”
Wow look that car is fast! So is that other car, it’s also fast. Oh I wonder which will be faster. Let’s drive them in a circle 40 times to find out. Wow it’s The blue one! The blue car is faster than the red car. What fun, let’s do it all over again every year forever.[/quote]
Hey, its not the sport for you… I understand. But F1 isn’t just about watching cars go around a track fast. That sounds more like NASCAR. (which is a little bit redneck)
Billions of dollars are put into the sport every year, and the innovations developed from it lead to more fuel efficient and safer cars…and as for it appealing to the kid in us? Hell yeh! I’m still a kid inside…every time I see a great car my eyes light up in the same way a new computer game does. Nothing wrong with that at all.
Unlike many other motorsports, F1 probably has a little less focus on the driver, because its also a competition between engineers and team boss strategists.
[quote]Hey, its not the sport for you… I understand. But F1 isn’t just about watching cars go around a track fast. That sounds more like NASCAR. (which is a little bit redneck)
The difference would be…faster cars? a track that has actual corners?
Unlike many other motorsports, F1 probably has a little less focus on the driver, because its also a competition between engineers and team boss strategists.[/quote]
Yeah, i just bet those F1 and nascar fans are sitting at home with their pocket calculators working out how coeffecient of friction correlates to turning radius at varying speeds.
Admit it, you like big loud shiny cars that go fast. That’s all there is to it.
…and as for it appealing to the kid in us? Hell yeh! I’m still a kid inside…every time I see a great car my eyes light up in the same way a new computer game does. Nothing wrong with that at all. [/quote]
Yeah, and you might get to see someone get killed! BOOOOOM YEEEEEHAAAAAW
…and as for it appealing to the kid in us? Hell yeh! I’m still a kid inside…every time I see a great car my eyes light up in the same way a new computer game does. Nothing wrong with that at all. [/quote]
if liking a Ferrari is too “little boy like” then liking a LV handbag is as silly and in fact “little girl like”
we have beeen conditioned since we were kids by our materialistic one up society. Better , faster , flashier more expensive cars. Better flashier more expensive womens clothing (barbie had some fashion sense didnt her for young girls).
we were not brought up as kids to appreciate giving money to the poor, equalizing wealth. Sharing your toys with jonny next door, etc.
Anyway i admit i want a ferrari too, but my honda will have to do
My honda (acura) is my Porsche, Ferarri, Lambo,
Bentley , what have you all rolled into one. And yes F1 is silly even if i do watch it. I even got my mom watching F1 closely
[quote]if liking a Ferrari is too “little boy like” then liking a LV handbag is as silly and in fact “little girl like”
we have beeen conditioned since we were kids by our materialistic one up society. Better , faster , flashier more expensive cars. Better flashier more expensive womens clothing (barbie had some fashion sense didnt her for young girls). [/quote]
I get what you’re saying, but i don’t understand it. Tycoon’s remark taht I must be gay, this is not the first time i’ve heard it.
Somehow I was never socialized into status symbol one-upmanship, perhaps because we actually had money in my family, and didn’t need to show it off. It was always the poor folks down the street who were mad for designer clothes and hot cars…strange.
Don’t get me wrong, to this day I love money for the leisure and freedom it can buy, but I really can’t tell the difference between a BMW and a Honda, and don’t care to know. Give me a ferrarri, I’d sell it and invest, or get my PHD.
Really, I don’t begrudge y’all your past times, it just bothers me that the world is so lopsided this way. How is it that millions of people happily watch large men in spandex pretend to hit each other for hours at a time but would promptly fall asleep during something interesting, like a really insightful lecture on the presocratics?
strange world. strange planet really.