Should Taiwan drug test foreign English teachers regularly?

that was a bad move on his part but what planet are you from?? I don’t advocate using marijuana but your fear is excessive. How do you feel about having a few drinks (alcohol)? Alcohol is more destructive but culturally acceptable. Why?
Time to come out of your isolated cocoon and realize that demonizing marijuana is 19th century mentally .

Thank God we are in current year!

What are you talking about? Marijuana could be purchased over the counter in the 19th century.

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you get my point Dr

I can guess what your point was. You didn’t make it very well. :grin:


That may be true for NZ, but we’re in Taiwan. More importantly, most of us are here as guests and AS a guest one should follow the laws of the country. Especially in a sensitive topic like this one. Here recreational drugs are not as socially accepted as in NZ, OZ, North America or the EU.
I don’t care what substances other people consume. The point is, that this behaviour casts a bad light on the other foreigners living here; it reinforces prejudices and affects other foreigners daily lifes.

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We’re not here as guests. We’re here as legal residents (albeit in a sense temporary) contributing to society and paying taxes. I agree however that smoking dope in public with no discretion exercised is not a good thing. I disagree however that foreigners should never smoke marijuana in Taiwan because it is randomly classified as a class A narcotic. We all make choices every day about which laws we choose to abide by and which laws we ignore. No one in this forum lives their lives without contravening some laws from time to time. Volunteer at a dog shelter? That’s likely in breach of your work permit conditions.


I’m not a guest I’m keeping this country going with my taxes and kids and business activities .

When guests like me leave it will be ‘lights out’.

I don’t have any truck with 'guests in the country ’ argument proto facist know your place stuff.


The way most legal systems are set up, people are breaking multiple laws on a regular basis just going about their daily lives. This is entirely intentional, and designed to keep the plebes under control. People need to make their own informed decisions about what they can and can’t get away with.

“As punishment is the consequence, a judgement on the moral depravity of the act is involved as otherwise the conciliary functions of civil law would be sufficient.”

But surely a wee toot on a spliff is not really a morally depraved act? Judges in Taiwan are handing down suspended sentences combined with drug education/continuing urine testing for simple possession cases. Which seems to suggest society no longer views smoking marijuana as a morally depraved act and merely as a misdemeanor.

And the change should accelerate as soon as the next generation of stoner judges takes the bench.

He shouldn’t be smoking weed in public places. Some people hate the smell of weed or will feel anxious if someone is smoking weed near them.

Same as idiots who smoke cigarettes near the entrance of a building when it is raining and I have to walk past inhaling that shit.

Yeah, I don’t take that “guest” bullshit either. I, like many other cats on here, pay taxes straight up without any of the monkey business commonly employed by citizens, and have been doing so as long as some of my co-workers have been alive.
Also, again like many Flobulars™, I’m a better citizen, whether it’s donating to charity, respecting the general rule of law, not throwing my shit on the ground, being a courteous driver, or many other metrics, than most of the people that I see every day.
(that shouldn’t make me special, it’s supposed to be a baseline for living)

Call me a “guest”.
Go on, see what happens.


long-term guest

With “guests” i meant that most of us were granted the right to stay here by the government rather then inherited it from the parents.

The majority of whom were also “guests”–either refugees from China, immigrants from Southeast Asia, or Han settlers living on indigenous lands.

The key issue here is who claims to be the “host”.


You beat me to it. I was writing a vitriolic post about the KMT occupation forces of 1947-1949. I guess we can take that as read.

And they weren’t even guests. At least, nobody invited them.

Are you implying you’ll beat up people who call you a “guest”? :flushed: You must have a hard time checking into hotels…

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Actually I get a lot more trouble from No Pets rules…

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