Taiwan is a xenophobic country. Change my mind

Good points. I agree. But the term provincial could be a bit touchy given our oppression here by another country of the same race :upside_down_face:

I often wonder though. with the woke vs antiwoke type stuff that has been going on for a while. It might be worth people explaining what exactly they are defining privelage as. because it seems people are using the same words to describe very different things. which is also very problematic. Privilege is experienced by many races. often it is the ruling class that carrys privilege. Caucasian has had a good run. In Taiwan it is clearly Han. when people start comparing privileges of foreign races within their borders it starts becoming a shit show. White vs black whilst living in Taiwan. Black skinned han vs white skinned. HR in Taipei vs Pingtung. Buddhist vs dao. vegan vs meat eaters. aboriginal tribes vs each other. Indonesian vs vietnamese. Java vs Sumatra.

the retardation doesnt end until we just stop caring about such trivial matters, step back and make unbias decisions based on facts rather than emotions. All too often these problems stem from some people wanting to get too into other peoples shit. Silliness.

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