"Taiwan is always part of China, but war with Australia is a fallacy" - Sydney Morning Herald

Section 42… but if you read it in pre 1986 and definately pre 1948 (australian citizenship) lense inorder to swear allegiance you would have had to be a british subject. They didn’t have to be specific at the time as there was no concept of Australian citizenship.

Even after Australian citizenship came about Australian passports looked like this for a couple of decades…

That’s not what it says. You keep saying ‘it says’ and then it doesn’t.
The wording matters and if it was written how you claim it was written, British citizens would still be eligible for election to the Australian parliament.

It was read as british subject and british crown as australian citizenship and an australian crown didn’t exist for some decades after 1901. It is now read as australia, australian crown and australian citizen due to constitutional evolution since that document was written.

You can’t normally confirm your alligence to a crown unless you are a subject/citizen of that crown.

For decades Australia’s parliament sat with only British Subject members.

Precisely. Great example

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I love history and constitutional law in general, the history of the relationship between Ireland and the Uk is fascinating, my bachelor dissertation was actually on how the commonwealth might have played a new commercial role for the UK after brexit. None came out of it, but I delved into the deep rabbit hole of British decolonisation


Congrats to Australia in following Canada’s lead in achieving independence. A few years later, but what the hey…
And then there’s that flag- “A little piece of Britain in the Southern Hemisphere.”

And the ROC are still alive and kicking. The war ain’t over…this is just an interlude.

And the “Chinese government” is the one recognized by the League of Nat…I mean the UN…I mean the USA. :wink: