Taiwan’s Identity: Time to Drop Mandarin?

This little Korean cutie speaks Taiwanese mando almost like a Taiwanese girl

Be cool if she learned Taiwanese though
Probably be even more of a celebrity in Taiwan

I’m sure she learned mando in Taiwan so she has all mannerisms of a tw girl

Where you learn a language is going to affect your accents and mannerisms for sure

She is making such a good effort to speak mando
Her vocab is better than mine

No need to be 50 plus… maybe like 40 plus…

I wasn’t sure I was thinking maybe 60 plus :love_you_gesture:

The sad thing is we are now further away from 酒矸倘賣無 release in 1983 than we were to the release of Hound Dog back when we were in the 80s.

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That’s a great summation. I’ve always been a little confused about that subject, especially because I think I’ve seen brief scenes from a movie that was somehow related to that song.

Your question, “How is it that I still know duck all about Taiwan after all these years?” fits me perfectly. I know this is going to sound corny, but I think that once when some of my students were talking about how small Taiwan is, I told them about a movie I saw (or I thought I saw) when I was a kid, a movie that depicted a magical house, which looked very small on the outside, but which became huge once a person entered it.

Now I’ll have to go back upthread and look for @tommy525’s “butt-shaking rendition :laughing:.”


The movie I’ve found out is 搭錯車.


Thanks for that info, @bdog !


just for charlie jack
shes cute and built like a tank

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tank girl has competition at the KTV

Great clip, thanks.

Can’t understand a lot of Scots spoken in this Xiaoma video.