Taiwan: Talking to police, Right to remain silence, Lawyering up

But then you can say that about any job.

We’d say that someone walking into the freezers at a grocery store to help employees do inventory in a grocery store is preposterous. I don’t want to hurt others and they don’t want to hurt me. For very good reasons, we need to let them do their job and not interfere. There is no point wishing for something that is beyond the universe’s rules of physics.

I once had a lawyer “negotiate” for me in Taiwan. I had told them the maximum amount I would settle at. My lawyer opened with the amount I had told them.

Let us just say I was not pleased.


That’s when you drop them and find a new one midway through. Can’t fix stupid. I didn’t say they were infalliable.

Yes, we could. but police ,like politicians and military are paid with public money and are held to a higher standard with more responsibility than a grocery store clerk. I think that is fairly clear cut. As such, less excuse for police to fuck around compared to say a grocer. Nevermind a customer. witness giving a statement on scene, or even giving CPR to someone because they are dead and emergency services take time to arrive, is not really the same thing as someone walking into the freezer to do inventory. Night and day difference.

The issue is police are there to record data. witnesses and people involved should not be afraid of providing data for fear of the above mentioned. Of course they have every right to not try and help or to protect themselves. The police, and justice system as a whole, should be more professional not to make such mistakes. be them intentional or by accident.

So to your example, it is more like the workers not telling the grocery manager about problems because they might get in trouble. However it is the managers responsibility to fix problems (manage the job), not punish innocent people for speaking up about a leak that needs fixing. Well oiled companies know this and run as such. But if you were to say such companies are rare and like a unicorn, I wouldnt necessarily disagree. However because they are private I would say they are just unprofessional. Police and public services that are not well oiled are sad, because society is in many ways entitled to such a service, unlike a private company. And because they are public services, paid for by us, we have every right to demand better. Reading many of your posts on talking to MP, voting etc…i know you dont disagree. Seems like you only disagree that I think the police ought to do better? And they ought to earn public respect and trust, never expect it.

We have mechanisms in place for people to provide data with immunity and anonymity.

I said don’t talk to the police, not don’t talk to Crime Stoppers.

No, there’s a time and place for everything.

Companies have feedback lines.

You can only improve human behaviour but you cannot ‘improve’ physical limitations.

So we improved what we can control.

There is a time and place for everything. You can still make your feedback through the appropriate channels.

So yes, @explant. I do very much disagree. I don’t ask for improvement on the literal impossible.

It was in the middle of a mediation meeting and the next step was a criminal case against me. I got out while the getting-out was good. I paid off the other party and my lawyers (two of them came to the meeting, which impressed me until they actually said anything). The lawyers did manage to “settle” the case, and I had promised to pay them if they did that. Needless to say, they will not be lawyering for me anymore. I plan to try your lawyer next time I need one Marco. Hopefully, that will be never. I encourage everyone to stay out of legal trouble in Taiwan.

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Absolutely. I provide mine because I have experience and I want to help people as they navigate a new country.

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That probably hits exactly what you tend to disagree with me on. I am more optimistic than to say this level of improvement is impossible. Regardless of of it being hard, I feel people truly need to push forward to change for the better. This aspect may not be your battle, but it is others’. And it rightfully should be a battle for betterment because it isnt done evolving yet. I also feel in order to change it, it requires to first have discussions. over thousands of platforms and with (hopefully) millions of people.

On that note, what are your “appropriate channels”? Because until now, as in terms of crimes commited, police are still considered the appropriate channels. And the sad bit is that that doesnt work well.

If a person is treated like they must pay for lawyers out of pocket in order to portray relevant information about a crime they witnessed…then I argue this is sad. Another to say it: the system.is broken. Or, perhaps, the system needs needs good people to.push for better reform.

Probably the world over. I dont know. I only know Taiwan for sure because it’s my home. So I will use Taiwan as an example without at all saying it is far worse than XYZ, as that shouldn’t be the metric.

Is it possible we also disagree on the metric? As in, we should be doing better rather than doing better than [ someone else]?

I’m gonna have to walk back my opinions a bit.

Don’t talk to the police under ANY circumstances…unless she is really cute and you are trying to strike up a date and get a number.

The MRT policegirl that just walked in is really cute.

Damn the consequences!