Great blog.
Scott you the man
Great blog.
Scott you the man
The site of Chris’s was a total waste of time.
I still think Michael Turton’s site has the best info.
Wish there was a site like Chris’s that really shared alot of infoa about
peoples’ experiences, good and bad, at specific schools in Taiwan, but
probably people feel it is too dangerous to put some things on the
Net. for teaching material. for an insight into the life of a teacher in Korea (Taiwan is not this bad (!) but the advice is good.
My sister forwarded this one to me. Might be useful in classes.
The Need of Learning English Well
A guy who is taking a driving test on the street. He saw a sign
a left turn? He wanted to make sure what he saw was right so that he
asked the man by him turn left? The man answered right. Then guy
turned his wheel to the right----Sorry! He failed. see you next
time.?the man said.
A guy accidentally hit a foreigner on the street. He then
quickly saying: i am sorry.? The foreigner replied: i am sorry too.?That guy then responded again: i am sorry three.? The foreigner did
understand and asked him: what are you sorry for?? The guy said: i
sorry five.
There was an item on an application to check for sex (gender). A man thought for a while
he wrote down: once a week. The lady smiled and told him that the
should be filled with male or female. Then he wrote down: female
lady did not understand and asked him: shouldn
Convieniently located across the street from the Police station where you handle visas in Taipei on ZhongHua Road. If you are facing the police station on ZhongHua road, it’s to your left. You will see an overpass for pedestrians that goes to a school. The tax adminstration is by the school. If you see a string of stereo and security camera shops as you walk, then you are almost there.
[quote]Wish there was a site like Chris’s that really shared alot of infoa about peoples’ experiences, good and bad, at specific schools in Taiwan, but probably people feel it is too dangerous to put some things on the
Yes. I have been investigated once already. Someone who didn’t like some remark I made on website got his buddy inside the Council on Labor Affairs to investigate my site for “recruiting teachers without a license.” I told them bluntly that they were abusing their power and that the website is located in the US where they had no jurisdiction, and that the website expressly said that I won’t help people find jobs. They didn’t contact me after that.
Still, I have rewritten the site to make it even more removed, so that nobody could argue that I was advocating tax fraud or similar. I think in a society like this where people sue each other promiscuously, and send thugs when they lose, open criticism of real people is a really bad idea, so I don’t use any names on my website.
Here is a site that is definitely worth a look.
It has the most extensive list of schools in Taiwan that I have ever seen, as well as a school blacklist. Oh, and jobs as well.
Is there a taiwan bloglist anywhere?
This may not be exactly what you are looking for but there are a number of Taiwan based personal blogs listed here.
yeah! Thanks! That looks great!
For finding 1 on 1 jobs:
My blogroll lists around 150 Taiwan blogs, in two groups.
English Quest offers free online English lessons and games for children. There is English and Chinese support so students, parents, and ESL teachers can use the site and courseware. There is a very effective Spelling program that helps students prepare for spelling tests. Teachers should try it out and see if they feel it is suitable. More than 4000 words can be practiced. Also for very young beginner students, there are phonics lessons that teach and practice the sounds of all the alphabet letters. Visit
For general classroom management ideas and lesson plans - (my personal favorite teaching website)
For theme-based preschool activities (cooking, science, math, art, language, music) -
For printables and lesson ideas -
You can check it out
It is a quite new site for teachers and schools in Taiwan.
Why not check out the 2 minute and 52 second video of live teaching in Taiwan. It is really awesome, and maybe it can give you some ideas for what to do in your own classes. I almost forgot to post the web address, but here it is anyway:
What happened to It used to be this great resource for English teachers and now it is some kind of crappy directory? Any one know where the old site has gone?
It was alright a week ago. Maybe they forgot to pay their hosting fees.
It’s still gone off the radar. I’d been following a series of lesson plans they had in the writers workshop. I’d done two of five. My panic was at white heat when I went to download the next lesson plan 30 minutes before my class only to find:
The best-laid plans o’ mice an’ men
Gang aft a-gley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promised joy.
[quote=“Fox”]It’s still gone off the radar. I’d been following a series of lesson plans they had in the writers workshop. I’d done two of five. My panic was at white heat…[/quote]Oh well, the occasional hasty preparation session is good for spontaneity.
[quote=“Fox”]The best-laid plans o’ mice an’ men…[/quote]I never knew that was Burns.