Taiwan Top 10

[quote=“chica”]About Taroko:

How many days would you recommend for a worthwhile, thorough trip there? 2 days, 4 days? Thanks.[/quote]

If you’re just going to look at the gorge, one day. If you’re going hiking in the area and just want to chill out, then more. At least in my case, six hours of craning my neck up at sheer cliffs was enough.

How thorough is worthwhile?

You could spend a lot of time wandering around in there. How you are getting around in the gorge will surprisingly dictate a lot of your destinations…Car, motorcycle, bus?

If you are a nature freak, plan to spend at least two days and maybe more if you want to do some truly awesome hikes. Once you get off of the main road and get on your feet there are valleys within valleys waiting to be discovered.

Enjoy your holiday!

i did a lot of taroko by foot and did okay for a few hours despite it being a july day with no clouds in sight. there are some places along the trails to the right-hand side where you can go down into the canyon bed and sit in the cool water. It’s amazingly clear. rent a scooter (if you’re skilled) to travel to the waterfalls along the road on the left-hand side.

I earnestly suggest that you try the Martyr’s Shrine. Too touristy, you say? Nonsense! Go any afternoon and you will find that not only are you confronted with the most peaceful locale in the nation’s north, but also can learn about the grunt who threw himself on an enemy machinegun during the struggle against the commies.

aehh what ist the lonley planet?!

my favorits in taiwan
1.peng hu
4. kaosiung (urban spotlights)
5.taizhong (some forrest mountains…forget the naem …something with ba…?!)

magi :slight_smile:

don’t you mean learn about the soldier who threw himself on an enemy machine gun during the struggle against the KMT?

don’t you mean learn about the soldier who threw himself on an enemy machine gun during the struggle against the KMT?[/quote]


That shrine is for KMT’s “comrades” and solders.

I lived in Taipei before and I lived in Hualien now.I think Hualien is the most beautiful place in Taiwan,especially the Taroko National Park.If you want to go to Taroko,it depends on the way you want to do.If you just do the sightseeing,you can spend only 1 or 2 days.If you are the nature lover,I think you can stay there for more than 3 days.And there are still many excellent places you can go in Hualien amd Taitung.And the best way to travel in Hualien is rent a motorcycle or a car.Have a nice trip!