Taiwanese Avocados

Yes of course. It just strikes me as ironic when taipei is proud of its recycling, stopping straw use etc. All seems kind of hollow

Good year for Hass in California. Also enjoying the warm days after few weeks in France and Berlin (but a wonderful city other than the weather) .

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This is in Taiwan?

California, East of Los Angeles foothill area, near birthplace of Hass. More rain, so better season. As mentioned before Hass does not grow well at all in Taiwan.

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Nice tree and fruit :slight_smile:
Is that your plot?

My borther’s place. Nice to be in warm place after cold month in EU.

I bet. I’m freezing right now.

Its become cold with rain/snow, winter arrived early.


A post was split to a new topic: Gastronomic Creations Taiwan

How do you know when Taiwan avocado is ripe?

Will they change colors or get soft without changing color?

I have some right now that feel slightly soft but only near the skin and are still green. Started to cut one open but still hard under the skin…

For our avocado trees the wife picks when the husk starts having the small “rusty” brown spots.

Thanks, mine are just starting to have a couple brown spots.

Probably still too early…

On the tree…or bought at store?

From market. Been sitting on counter since Tuesday.

I’d say it’s more about the colour, but texture also matters. If it’s on the darker side and it feels buttery soft, then I know it’s ready like the ‘brown green’ one - see image from my local supermarket. The more you leave it, the richer and more buttery it tastes.
I’m not sure if Taiwanese avocados work differently, though :slight_smile:

Are avocados that hard to come by in Taiwan? I’ll have a hard time going without them…

Yeah this only works for Haas and some other varieties. For others you have to feel for the firmness.

What types of avocados does Taiwan have if not Hass?

I’ve seen at least three other varieties here. I’m not sure the exact names of them

Here’s a picture but it’s in Chinese

You’re in for a rude awakening. Most fruit is phenomenal; avocados are not one of them.

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