Taiwanese Citizenship and Renunciation

Easy lol. There’s nothing easy about giving up your homeland’s citizenship. That’s a ridiculous statement.

As a European I’d be giving up what is something that many Taiwanese and BILLIONS of people around the world highly desire but not only that I would risk not seeing my family in certain circumstances (such as when foreigners are banned entry …Imagine…That…Happening…).

There are other conditions such as Chinese classes/proficiency and residency requirements prior to applying for naturalisation prior to Taiwan citizenship…

Also intl travel restrictions are fine now but not in usual times for those of us who have to travel for work.

Following receipt of the TARC and the NWOHR passport it’s One year with no exit, two years with a couple weeks exit to qualify for the ID number (why require this…just to torture people I guess ), something like that, I can’t remember the exact exit time restrictions .

In the mean time you would be living in Taiwan with no Taiwan ID, the Taiwan NWOHR passport and no original citizenship so it’s not what I would call easy.