Taiwanese half-day cooking school and Guinness

I’ll come to Taiwan alone for about 8 days, end of July and plan to look around Taipei for three days, then Taroko Gorge then head for the beach.
I’ve found Jodie’s cooking school info and that looks good but at about 18 British pounds for two hours it seems expensive.
Does anyone know of any other cooking schools in Taipei please?

Also does anyone know of any comfortable Taipei pubs that sell Guinness or even Murphys on tap and where its ok for a single (very mature but neat and tidy! ) female to go and buy a pint without hassle?

I want to say its been great finding the Forumoser site while looking for info on Taiwan. Comments, particularly in the travel section about hostels and places to go, have been helpful and I appreciate being able to register and join in.

Hi sanchan,
Can’t help with the cooking class, but we serve both Guinness and Murphy’s draft (along with a few other drafts) at our rather nice, popular Irish pub.(the only one in Taiwan!)

Its a very eclectic crowd, but more than safe for a lone female to come and enjoy a drink without being preyed upon.

Good luck, and safe travels.

Darren Hassan
General Manager

Hi sanchan

First let me second Darren on The Shannon Taipei as great place for you to find your Guinness and Murphys on tap, and good food as well. It

And just so’s you know, Jody speaks good English and is a very very nice girl indeed. Really, I wouldn’t say NT$500/hour is very expensive at all.