Taiwanese Horror Game 返校 (Detention)

Hi everyone,

I’ve recently started a new 2D point and click horror game called 返校 / Detention.
It was made by a Taiwanese developer and so far I’ve found it to be extremely interesting.
The visuals, music, and story are so far getting under my skin and I’ve found it to be up there with many of the great American horror games that have come out recently.
Set in 1960’s Taiwan when the country was under martial law, the game follows Ray, a girl who wakes up in a cursed school and has to figure out what happened. There are also many elements of Taiwanese culture and mythology- all super interesting stuff that I’ve always wanted to know more about.

I’ve actually started recording myself playing the game if you guys are interested to check it out. I was always too scared to play horror games, but somehow, recording myself makes it seem bearable. Posting Part 3 here since things get really intense.


Let me know what you think of the game!
And kindly subscribe if you like it. :slight_smile:


Looks better than most of the indie games on Steam!

I think so too!
And I don’t know of too many Taiwanese horror games out there with this much attention to detail…

It’s getting extremely popular on Steam, with a ton of positive reviews.

If suppose Americans regard the massacre of Indians and make as a game or a joke, I don’t think it is funny.

I recently finished this game. It’s a really cool concept with some brilliant mythological and horror elements. But as a point-and-click/adventure game, I thought it was… meh. The novelty soon wore thin and the puzzles were often unimaginative. Aside from the great concept, there isn’t much else going for it. But it’s short (as it should be), so you can’t really go wrong giving it a try.

I don’t get this comment. This game isn’t supposed to be funny. It’s a very serious and respectful take on a serious subject matter. What did you think it was?