Taiwanese Immigration Test - Translation Issues

Most Americans can’t tell you who the Vice President (of the US) is. It’s always harder to get into a club than to be a member. I always say that the Catholic Church would never let my husband in if he weren’t already in, given the way he picks and chooses his beliefs. :smiley: (Which, I must say, I think is a GOOD thing.)

[quote=“bismarck”]Seeing as it may be helpful to you and others, here’s some more that I’ve done with pinyin and my rudimentary translations (which you or other kind souls may have a look at and correct).

We’ve done 1-30, so here’s 31-46…

  1. 販賣第一級毒品(例如海洛因、嗎啡、鴉片、古柯鹼等),最高會被判處什麼刑責?
    Fànmài dìyījí dúpǐn (lìrú hǎiluòyīn, mǎfēi, yāpiàn, gǔkējiǎn děng), zuì gāo huì bèi pànchǔ shénme xíng zé?
    What is the maximum sentence that can be imposed for trafficking first level narcotics (such as, heroine, morphine, opium, cocaine)?

Sǐ xíng
Death Penalty
Zuò láo
Fá qián

  1. 在選舉及前往投開票所投票的時候,可不可以拿候選人贈送的禮物或「走路工錢」?
    Zài xuǎnjǔ jí qiánwǎng tóu kāipiào suǒ tóupiàode shíhòu kě bù kěyǐ ná hòuxuǎnrén zèngsòngde lǐwù huò zǒulù gōngqián?
    During elections or while proceeding towards the voting station, can you accept gifts or money from candidates?


  1. 哪個法律規定女兒和兒子一樣,都有遺產的繼承權?
    Nǎge fǎlǜ guīdìng nǚér hé érzi yīyàng dōu yǒu yíchǎnde jìchéngquán?
    Which law provides that sons and daughters have equal rights to inheritance?

Civil Law
The Constitution
Xíng fǎ
Criminal Law

  1. 撿到別人遺失的財物,如果不知道是誰遺失的,可以送到哪裡保管?
    Jiǎn dào biérén yíshīde cáiwù rúguǒ bùzhīdào shì shéide kěyǐ sòng dào nǎlǐ bǎoguǎn?
    If you pick up lost property without knowing who lost it, where can you deliver it for safe keeping?

Jǐngchá pàichūsuǒ huò fēn zhù suǒ
Local police station
Zìjǐ cáng qǐlai
Pick it up and keep it
Hù zhèng shìwùsuǒ
Household registration office

  1. 為了自身的安全,你可以私自持有槍械嗎?
    Wèile zìshēnde ānquán nǐ kěyǐ sīzì chíyǒu qiāngxiè ma?
    Can you carry a firearm for personal safety?


  1. 遭到別人勒索強取財物時,你應該向哪個機關報案處理?
    Zāodào biérén lèsuǒ qiáng qǔ cáiwù shí nǐ yīnggāi xiàng nǎge jīguān bàoàn chǔlǐ?
    In the event of blackmail or robbery, which authority should you report to?

Hù zhèng jīguān
Household registration office
Jǐngchá jīguān
Xiāofáng jīguān
Fire department

  1. 我國法律是不是禁止獵捕如台灣黑熊、穿山甲、石虎等保育類動物?
    Wǒguó fǎlǜ shìbùshì jìnzhǐ liè bǔ rú Táiwān hēixióng, chuānshānjiǎ, shíhǔ děng bǎoyù lèi dòngwù?
    Does Taiwanese law prohibit hunting or capture of protected animals such as Taiwanese black bear, scaly anteater and Taiwanese mountain lion?


  1. 兒童及少年福利法有規定,父母不可以單獨讓幾歲以下的兒童獨處?
    Értóng jí shàonián fúlì fǎ yǒu guīdìng fùmǔ bù kěyǐ dāndú ràng jǐsuì yǐxiàde értóng dúchǔ?
    Under which age does child and juvenile law provide that parents are not permitted to leave children unsupervised?


簽證及護照類 (Visa and Passport Section)
Qiānzhèng jí hùzhào lèi

  1. 外國護照的效期在幾個月以上,才可以申請來台簽證?
    Wàiguó hùzhàode xiào qī zài jǐgeyuè yǐshàng cái kěyǐ shēnqǐng lái tái qiānzhèng?
    A foreign passport needs to be valid for at least how many months to be able to apply for a visa to come to Taiwan?


  1. 想在我國境內居留超過180天以上的外籍人士,必須要申請哪一種簽證?
    Xiǎng zài wǒguó jìngnèi jūliú chāoguò tiān yǐshàngde wàijí rénshì bìxū yāo shēnqǐng nǎ yīzhǒng qiānzhèng?
    Foreigners who desire to reside in Taiwan for 180 days or more must apply for which type of visa?

Tíngliú qiānzhèng
Temporary visa
Jūliú qiānzhèng
Resident visa
Wàijiāo qiānzhèng
Diplomatic visa

  1. 未滿20歲的人,在申請護照時,需要得到誰的同意?
    Wèi mǎn 20 suìde rén zài shēnqǐng hùzhào shí xūyào dédào shéide tóngyì?
    People below 20 years of age need whose consent to apply for a passport?

Fù huò mǔ huò fǎdìng dàilǐrén
Parent or legal agent/guardian
Court of law
Bùxūyào rènhérénde tóngyì
Does not require the consent of anyone

居留類 (Residence Section)
Jūliú lèi

  1. 外國人持居留簽證入境後,必須在15天以內,向哪一個機關申請外僑居留證?
    Wàiguórén chí jūliú qiānzhèng rùjìng hòu, bìxū zài tiān yǐnèi xiàng nǎyīge jīguān shēnqǐng wàiqiáo jūliúzhèng?
    Foreigners entering Taiwan on a visitor’s visa need to apply for an ARC within 15 days from which authority?

Yímín shǔ gèdì fúwù zhàn
Immigration offices around the country
Wèishēng suǒ
Health institutions
Hù zhèng shìwùsuǒ
Household registration office

  1. 外國人持有的外僑居留證在到期前多久,應該辦理延期?
    Wàiguórén chíyǒude wàiqiáo jūliúzhèng zài dàoqī qián duōjiǔ, yīnggāi bànlǐ yánqī?
    Foreign passport holders with a residence permit should apply for an extension how long before it’s expiry date?


  1. 外國人在國內的居留地址有變更時,應該向哪一個機關申請登記?
    Wàiguórén zài guónèide jūliú dìzhǐ yǒu biàngēng shí yīnggāi xiàng nǎyīge jīguān shēnqǐng dēngjì?
    Foreigners residing in the country should register a change of address with which agency?

Yímín shǔ gèdì fúwù zhàn
Immigration offices around the country
Wèishēng suǒ
Health institutions
Hù zhèng shìwùsuǒ
Household registration office

  1. 外國人在國內逾期居留的話,會受到哪些處罰?
    Wàiguórén zài guónèi yú qī jūliú dehuà huì shòudào nǎxiē chǔfá?
    Foreigners in the country who overstay their residence are subject to which penalties?

A fine
Qūzhú chūguó
Yǐshàng dōu shì
All of the above

  1. 外國人所持的外僑居留證如果沒有按時申請延期的話,除了會被罰錢及驅逐出國外,是不是也會影響到日後申請歸化時的合法居留期間之計算?
    Wàiguórén suǒ chíde wàiqiáo jūliúzhèng rúguǒ méiyǒu ànshí shēnqǐng yánqī dehuà, chúle huì bèi fá qián jí qūzhú chūguó wài, shìbùshì yě huì yǐngxiǎng dào rìhòu shēnqǐng guīhuà shíde héfǎ jūliú qījiān zhī jìsuàn?
    Foreigners who hold an Alien Residence Certificate (ARC) and don’t apply for an extension (renewal) on time, apart from a fine and deportation, can it affect future applications for naturalization or permanent residence when calculating their time (spent on the same visa)?

And the last three questions of that section:

  1. 在哪些情形下,外僑居留證會被撤銷或註銷?
    Zài nǎxiē qíngxing xià, wàiqiáo jūliúzhèng huì bèi chèxiāo huò zhù xiāo?
    In which situation can an Alien Residence Certificate (ARC) be revoked or cancelled?

Shēnqǐng zīliào xì xūwěi huò bù shí. (lìrú tígōng xūwěide fángwū zūlìn qìyuē bànlǐ jūliú dìzhǐde biàngēng)
Application information is false or incorrect. (For example, supplying a false rental agreement for a change of residence address.)
Chí yòng bùfǎ qǔdé wěizào huò biàn zào zhī zhèngjiàn. (lìrú chí yòng jiǎzàode jūliú qiānzhèng bànlǐ wàiqiáo jūliúzhèng.)
Achieved using illegal, forged or falsified the documents. (For example, using fake residency visa for the alien resident certificate)
Jīng sīfǎjīguān pànchǔ nián yǐshàng yǒuqītúxíng. (Lìrú yīn qièdào zuì bèi fǎyuàn pànchǔ nián yǐshàng yǒuqītúxíng quèding.)
Sentenced by the judiciary to more than 1 year in prison. (For example, sentenced to more than a year in prison for the crime of theft or burglary.)



  1. 外籍配偶的國人配偶如不幸死亡,該外籍配偶可不可以繼續在國內居留?
    Wàijí pèiǒude guórén pèiǒu rú bùxìng sǐwáng, gāi wàijí pèiǒu kě bùkěyǐ jìxù zài guónèi jūliú.
    Can foreign spouses of citizens continue to stay in the country, even in the tragic event of the death of the Taiwanese spouse?


  1. 外國人在國內居留期間,如果護照不小心遺失了,可以向內政部入出國及移民署(以下簡稱移民署)那個單位申辦遺失報案紀錄證明,以便向駐華機構申請新護照?
    Wàiguórén zài guónèi jūliú qījiān rúguǒ hùzhào bùxiǎoxīn yíshīle, kěyǐ xiàng nèizhèngbù rù chūguó jí yímín shǔ (yǐxià jiǎnchēng yímín shǔ) nàge dānwèi shēnbàn yíshī bàoàn jìlù zhèngmíng, yǐbiàn xiàng zhùhuá jīgòu shēnqǐng xīn hùzhào?
    During a foreigners residence in (The Republic of) China, if they accidentally lose their passport, at which office at the MOI’s immigration department (hereafter referred to as the immigration department) can they go in order to obtain a record of proof in order to reapply for a new passport at the relevant agency in China (ROC)?

Jūliú dì zhī yímín shǔ fúwù zhàn
An immigration office near your place of residence.
Zài jīchǎng zhī yímín shǔ guójìng shìwù duì.
The department of immigration at an airport or border control service.
Zài gǎngkǒu zhī yímín shǔ guójìng shìwù duì.
At a harbour/port immigration authority station.


I found this to be a relatively difficult section to translate correctly. Understanding the essence is one thing, putting it into coherent English is quite another.

歸化類 (Naturalization Section)
Guīhuà lèi

  1. 申請歸化國籍,須要具備哪些要件?
    Shēnqǐng guīhuà guójí xūyào jùbèi nǎxiē yàojiàn?
    Which criteria do you need to meet in order to apply for naturalization?

Héfǎ jūliú yīdìng qījiān; yǒu xíngwéi nénglì
A certain period of residency; capacity for civil acts
Pǐnxíng duānzhèng, wú fànzuì jìlù; xiāngdāngde cáilì
Good character, no criminal record; proof of financial resources/ability
Jīběn yǔyánnénglì jí guómín quánlì yìwù jīběn chángshí
Basic language skills and basic knowledge of rights and obligations of citizens

  1. 申請歸化國籍,除了有不可歸責當事人之事由外,須不須要喪失原屬國的國籍?
    Shēnqǐng guīhuà guójí, chúle yǒu bùkě guī zé dāngshìrén zhī shìyóu wài, xū bù xūyào sàngshī yuán shǔguóde guójí?
    When applying for naturalization, besides reasons not attributable to the parties involved, do applicants need to renounce their original nationality?

You need to.
Bù xūyào
You don’t need to.

  1. 申請歸化國籍者,其「基本語言能力及國民權利義務基本常識」認定方式為何?
    Shēnqǐng guīhuà guójí zhě, qí (jīběn yǔyánnénglì jí guómín quánlì yìwù jīběn chángshí) rèndìng fāngshì wèihé?
    How does the person applying for naturalization prove they fulfil the criteria for "basic language skills and basic knowledge of rights and obligations of citizens”?

Céng jiùdú guónèi gōng sīlì gèjí gèlèi xuéxiào 1 nián yǐshàng
Have attended various types of domestic public and private schools at all levels for 1 year or more
Céng cānjiā guónèi zhèngfǔjīguān suǒ kāishè zhī kèchéng shàngkè zǒng shí shǔ huò lěijì shí shǔ dá yīdìng shíjiān yǐshàng
Participated in courses offered by domestic government agencies with a total number of class hours more than a certain period of time
Cānjiā guīhuà qǔdé wǒguó guójí zhě jīběn yǔyánnénglì jí guómín quánlì yìwù jīběn chángshí cèshì
Participated in our country’s basic language abilities and basic knowledge of rights and obligations of naturalized ROC citizens test.

  1. 外國人應先向哪個機關提出歸化國籍的申請?
    Wàiguórén yīng xiān xiàng nǎge jīguān tíchū guīhuà guójíde shēnqǐng?
    Towrads which authority should foreigners first direct their application for naturalization?

Zhùsuǒ dìde hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ
The local household registration office
Zhùsuǒ dìde jǐngchájú
Your local police station
Zhùsuǒ dìde qū gōng suǒ
Local district office

  1. 我國人的外籍配偶或外籍養子女,可不可以不經過歸化之申請程序,就自動取得我國國籍?
    Wǒguórénde wàijí pèiǒu huò wàijí yǎng zǐnǚ, kě bùkěyǐ bù jīngguò guīhuà zhī shēnqǐng chéngxù, jiù zìdòng qǔdé wǒguó guójí?
    Can the spouses of Taiwanese citizens or the dependant children of foreign nationals, who have not gone through the naturalization application procedure, automatically obtain Taiwanese citizenship?


  1. 一般的外籍人士在我國合法居留多久就可以申請歸化國籍?
    Yībānde wàijí rénshì zài wǒguó héfǎ jūliú duōjiǔ jiù kěyǐ shēnqǐng guīhuà guójí?
    In general, how long do foreigners need to legally reside in Taiwan before they can apply for naturalization?


  1. 我國人的外籍配偶、養子女,在我國合法居留多久就可以申請歸化國籍?
    Wǒguórénde wàijí pèiǒu, yǎng zǐnǚ, zài wǒguó héfǎ jūliú duōjiǔ jiù kěyǐ shēnqǐng guīhuà guójí?
    How long do foreign spouses of Taiwanese citizens, and dependent children, need to legally reside in Taiwan before they can apply for naturalization?

Bù xū jūliú yīdìng qījiān
No need to have residence for a fixed period of time.

  1. 申請歸化國籍人的未婚未成年子女,可不可以申請隨同歸化國籍?
    Shēnqǐng guīhuà guójí rénde wèihūn wèichéng nián zǐnǚ, kě bùkěyǐ shēnqǐng suítóng guīhuà guójí?
    Can the unmarried minor children of people applying for naturalization accompany their parent’s application for naturalization?


  1. 歸化國籍的申請,須經過哪個機關的許可後生效?
    Guīhuà guójíde shēnqǐng, xū jīngguò nǎge jīguānde xǔkě hòu shēngxiào?
    Applications for naturalization are subject to the authority (approval) of which organisation in the application process?

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Education
Ministry of the Interior

  1. 在歸化國籍後幾年內,如果發現申請歸化時不符合國籍法規定時,內政部就會撤銷歸化國籍之許可?
    Zài guīhuà guójí hòu jǐnián nèi, rúguǒ fāxiàn shēnqǐng guīhuà shí bùfúhé guójí fǎguī dìngshí, nèizhèngbù jiù huì chèxiāo guīhuà guójí zhī xǔkě?
    How many years after naturalized citizenship, if it is discovered that at the time of naturalization there were discrepancies with the provisions of Nationality Law, can the Ministry of the Interior repeal naturalized citizenship?

  2. 歸化國籍後,是不是仍須在國內居留滿一定的期間後,才可以向戶政事務所申請初設戶籍登記及申領國民身分證?
    Guīhuà guójí hòu, shìbùshì réng xū zài guónèi jūliú mǎn yīdìngde qījiān hòu, cái kěyǐ xiàng hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ shēnqǐng chūshè hùjí dēngjì jí shēnlǐng guómín shēnfènzhèng?
    After naturalization, is it still necessary to have residence in the country for a certain period of time, and only after that time can the naturalized citizen apply for a national ID card from the household registration office?


  1. 申請歸化我國國籍時,外僑居留證即將到期者,是否須要向內政部入出國及移民署辦理延期?
    Shēnqǐng guīhuà wǒguó guójí shí, wàiqiáo jūliúzhèng jíjiāng dàoqī zhě, shìfǒu xūyào xiàng nèizhèngbù rù chūguó jí yímín shǔ bànlǐ yánqī?
    At the time of application for naturalization, if your residence permit (ARC) is about to expire, is it necessary to go to the Ministry of Interior Immigration department to renew (extend) your residence permit?

Yes, you need to.
Bù xūyào
No, you don’t need to.

Good grief, and you’re only up to 61 questions out of 200. I’m beginning to despair. :noway:

I’m just posting them bit by bit in the hope that someone will look over my translations. I think I have the gist of it, but the coherence and/or actual term may sometimes be lacking. If you wish, you could look over what I’ve posted so far and add your input where you think it necessary…

Edit: It’s not that bad, mate. Just some of the stuff can get a little tricky. If it helps, I’ve taken more than a few questions to work that have stumped my Taiwanese colleagues equally…

One particular character pisses me off: xiàng 向
As in: 以下哪些人可以[color=#FF0000]向[/color]戶政事務所申請閱覽戶籍登記資料或交付謄本?

It keeps popping up…

xiàng 向

direction / orientation / to face / to turn toward / to / towards / shortly before / formerly / to side with / to be partial to / all along (previously) / surname Xiang

The next section:

戶籍類 (Household Registration Section)
Hùjí lèi

  1. 國民年滿幾歲應請領國民身分證?
    Guómín nián mǎn jǐsuì yīng qǐng lǐng guómín shēnfènzhèng?
    How old do you need to be before you apply for a National ID card?


  1. 國民身分證是要向哪個機關申請?
    Guómín shēnfènzhèng shì yāo xiàng nǎge jīguān shēnqǐng?
    At which government agency do you apply for a National ID card?

District office
The police department
Hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ
Household registration office

  1. 有結婚、離婚、遷出、遷入等情形時,是不是應申請換發國民身分證?
    Yǒu jiéhūn, líhūn, qiān chū, qiānrù děng qíngxing shí, shìbùshì yīng shēnqǐng huàn fā guómín shēnfènzhèng?
    In the event of marriage, divorce, moving out, moving into a new residence, is it necessary to apply for a change of information on your National ID card?


  1. 歸化國籍並經核准可以在我國定居時,誰可以向戶政事務所申請初次設戶籍登記?
    Guīhuà guójí bìng jīng hézhǔn kěyǐ zài wǒguó dìngjū shí, shéi kěyǐ xiàng hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ shēnqǐng chūcì shè hùjí dēngjì?
    Naturalization and citizenship can be approved for settlement in Taiwan, but who can apply at the household registration office for initial registration?

The person himself
Hù zhǎng
The head of the household


  1. 歸化國籍並拿到臺灣地區定居證後,多少天之內,要到戶政事務所辦理初次設戶籍登記?
    Guīhuà guójí bìng ná dào Táiwān dìqū dìngjū zhèng hòu, duōshǎo tiān zhīnèi, yāo dào hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ bànlǐ chūcì shè hùjí dēngjì?
    After applying for naturalization and obtaining a Taiwan area residence card, within how many days must you go to the household registration office to conduct initial household registration?

  2. 有死亡、結婚、判決離婚、認領、收養、監護、遷入、遷出等情形時,應該在多少天內向戶政事務所辦理登記?
    Yǒu sǐwáng, jiéhūn, pànjué líhūn, rènlǐng, shōuyǎng, jiānhù, qiānrù, qiān chū děng qíngxing shí, yīnggāi zài duōshǎo tiān nèi xiàng hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ bànlǐ dēngjì?
    In the event of a death, marriage, divorce, claiming paternity of an illegitimate child, adoption, entering guardianship of a child, moving address, a change in circumstances, within how many days should you register changes in circumstances at the household registration office?


  1. 外國人與我國人結婚辦理結婚登記時,是不是要取用中文姓氏,且符合我國國民使用姓氏的習慣?
    Wàiguórén yǔ wǒguórén jiéhūn bànlǐ jiéhūn dēngjì shí, shìbùshì yāo qǔ yòng Zhōngwén xìngshì, qiě fúhé wǒguó guómín shǐyòng xìngshìde xíguàn?
    When foreigners get married to Taiwanese and register their marriage in Taiwan, do they have to use a Chinese (family) name, and moreover us that family name in keeping with Taiwanese custom?


  1. 以下哪些人可以向戶政事務所申請閱覽戶籍登記資料或交付謄本?
    Yǐxià nǎxiē rén kěyǐ xiàng hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ shēnqǐng yuèlǎn hùjí dēngjì zīliào huò jiāofù téng běn?
    Which of the following persons may approach the household registration office to apply for registration information or to make a copy of the original household registration?

The person him/herself
Interested parties
Shòu wěituō rén
An agent (???someone acting for a client???)


  1. 夫妻雙方協議離婚,應由雙方親自向哪個機關辦妥離婚登記後,離婚才生效?
    Fūqī shuāngfāng xiéyì líhūn, yīng yóu shuāngfāng qīnzì xiàng nǎge jīguān bàn tuǒ líhūn dēngjì hòu, líhūn cái shēngxiào?
    In the event of a divorce by mutual consent, at which government body should both sides register the divorce before the divorce comes into effect?

Qū gōng suǒ
District Office
Police office
Hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ
Household registration office


  1. 夫妻協議離婚時,未成年子女的權利義務行使負擔如何確定?
    Fūqī xiéyì líhūn shí, wèichéng nián zǐnǚde quánlì yìwù xíngshǐ fùdān rúhé quèdìng?
    When couples divorce, how do they determine who will exercise the rights and obligations over minor children?

Yóu fū yīfāng juédìng
The husband’s side will decide.
Yóu qī yīfāng juédìng
The wife’s side will decide.
Yóu fūqī shuāngfāng xiéyì yuēdìng
The decision is made by mutual consent.


  1. 收養他人或配偶之子女,是否應向法院聲請裁定認可才生效?
    Shōuyǎng tārén huò pèiǒu zhī zǐnǚ, shìfǒu yīng xiàng fǎyuàn shēng qǐng cáidìng rènkě cái shēngxiào?
    When adopting someone or a spouse’s children, should a court make a ruling of approval before it comes into effect?


  1. 申請戶籍謄本要向哪個機關申請?
    Shēnqǐng hùjí téng běn yāo xiàng nǎge jīguān shēnqǐng?
    At which government office can you apply for a copy of your household registration?

Qū gōng suǒ
District Office
Police office
Hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ
Household registration office

  1. 子女出生後,應該在多少天內向戶政事務所辦理登記?
    Zǐnǚ chūshēng hòu, yīnggāi zài duōshǎo tiān nèi xiàng hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ bànlǐ dēngjì?
    After the birth of a child, within how many days do you need to register the name of the child?


  1. 辦理出生登記時,新生兒的姓氏如何決定?
    Bànlǐ chūshēng dēngjì shí, xīnshēngérde xìngshì rúhé juédìng?
    How is a newborn baby’s name decided at birth registration?

Cóng fù xìng
The surname comes from the father.
Cóng mǔ xìng
The surname comes from the mother.
Fùmǔ yǐ shūmiàn yuēdìng zǐnǚ cóng fù xìng huò mǔ xìng
The parents make a written agreement on whether the children’s surname comes from the mother or the father.


  1. 結婚或離婚是否應由雙方當事人共同親自到戶政事務所辦理結婚或離婚登記?
    Jiéhūn huò líhūn shìfǒu yīng yóu shuāngfāng dāngshìrén gòngtóng qīnzì dào hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ bànlǐ jiéhūn huò líhūn dēngjì?
    Regarding marriage or divorce, should the parties involved go to the household registration office together in person to register the marriage or divorce?


Oddly enough, as 麻煩 as all this is, I really can see the use of it. The 200 questions make up a wide variety of general things that, as a citizen you really should be aware of. Sure, some of it is just crap, but I’d venture to say most of it may turn out to be quite useful.

But they could have at least made the booklet with zhuyin if nothing else. Afterall, zhuyin is taught at schools and there are some things in the test that have had Taiwanese baffled when I’ve asked them about it. Vocabulary that isn’t often used, or isn’t exactly daily language. When my teacher’s manager at work sees me approaching with my “little blue book” I can almost see the fear start to come over her eyes… :smiling_imp:

[quote=“bismarck”]One particular character pisses me off: xiàng 向
As in: 以下哪些人可以[color=#FF0000]向[/color]戶政事務所申請閱覽戶籍登記資料或交付謄本?[/quote]

向 XYZ 申請 is just “apply to XYZ”…just fish for the verb. Drawing lines from the coverbs (things like 向、給、以and the like)is sometimes helpful in keeping things straight.

I’m just posting them bit by bit in the hope that someone will look over my translations. I think I have the gist of it, but the coherence and/or actual term may sometimes be lacking. If you wish, you could look over what I’ve posted so far and add your input where you think it necessary…

Edit: It’s not that bad, mate. Just some of the stuff can get a little tricky. If it helps, I’ve taken more than a few questions to work that have stumped my Taiwanese colleagues equally…[/quote]

Mate you’re doing a lot better than I could. As you say, it’s ‘Vocabulary that isn’t often used, or isn’t exactly daily language’. I can only read about 40% of these characters to start with, and those I can read often form words the meaning of which I’m ignorant.

The Education Section

[quote]教育類 (Education Section)
Jiàoyù Lèi

  1. 國民義務教育的對象是幾歲到幾歲的國民?
    Guómín yìwùjiàoyù de duìxiàng shì jǐsuì dào jǐsuì de guómín?
    Compulsory national education is directed at Taiwanese nationals between which ages?


  1. 國民義務教育共有幾年?
    Guómín yìwùjiàoyù gòngyǒu jǐnián?
    Compulsory national education lasts for how many years altogether?


  1. 年滿幾歲的國民應就讀國民小學?
    Nián mǎn jǐsuì de guómín yīng jiùdú guómín xiǎoxué?
    At least how old should a national be before starting national elementary school?


  1. 你可以向哪個機關查詢登記合格的幼稚園?
    Nǐ kěyǐ xiàng nǎge jīguān cháxún dēngjì hégé de yòuzhìyuán?
    At which agency can you direct an inquiry to register a qualified kindergarten?

Zhíxiáshì, xiàn (shì) zhèngfǔ jiàoyù jú
Municipalities, counties (cities) in the government Department of Education
Zhíxiáshì, xiàn (shì) zhèngfǔ mín zhèngjú
Municipalities, counties (cities) in the government Department Civil Affairs Bureau
Zhíxiáshì, xiàn (shì) zhèngfǔ láogōng jú
Municipalities, counties (cities) in the government Labour Office


  1. 學生就讀哪些學校可以申請就學貸款?
    Xuésheng jiùdú nǎxiē xuéxiào kěyǐ shēnqǐng jiù xué dàikuǎn?
    Students going to which schools can apply for study loans?

Gāozhōng zhí jí zhuānkē
High school level and specialized training schools
Dàxué jí yánjiūsuǒ
Universities and research institutes

  1. 對於未接受正規教育或失學的民眾,可以到哪些學校登記入學?
    Duìyú wèi jiēshòu zhèngguījiàoyù huò shīxué de mínzhòng, kěyǐ dào nǎxiē xuéxiào dēngjì rùxué?
    People that aren’t able to go to school or aren’t accepted to normal formal education, at which schools can they register to enrol for education?

Guóxiǎo fùshè bǔxí xuéxiào (nián mǎn 12 suì yǐshàng)
Government elementary schools associated with a cram school (older than 12 years old)
Guózhōng fùshè bǔxí xuéxiào (nián mǎn 15 suì yǐshàng)
Government junior high schools associated with a cram school (older then 15 years old)

  1. 政府補助低收入戶、清寒或家庭突遭變故之學生「午餐費」,是在哪個求學階段?
    Zhèngfǔ bǔzhù dīshōurù hù, qīng hán huò jiātíng tū zāo biàngù zhī xuésheng (wǔcān fèi), shì zài nǎge qiúxué jiēduàn?
    At which school stages can students from government subsidized for low-income households, poor families or families that have met with unfortunate financial circumstances receive lunch?

Guómín xiǎoxué
National elementary schools
Guómín zhōngxué
National junior high schools

  1. 資賦優異的未足齡兒童,可不可以由父母或監護人提出提早入國民小學之申請?
    Zī fù yōuyì de wèi zú líng értóng, kě bùkěyǐ yóu fùmǔ huò jiānhùrén tíchū tízǎo rù guómín xiǎoxué zhī shēnqǐng?
    Can gifted children under school going age be allowed by parents or guardian to apply for enrolment at national elementary schools before the normal school going age?


  1. 發現學校合作社有販賣不符規定的東西時,可以向哪裡檢舉?
    Fāxiàn xuéxiào hézuòshè yǒu fànmài bùfú guīdìng de dōngxi, kěyǐ xiàng nǎlǐ jiǎnjǔ?
    Where can you report inconsistencies with regulations regarding the sale of school items by the school cooperative?

Zhíxiáshì, xiàn shìzhèngfǔ jiàoyù jú
Municipalities, counties and city government education offices
Zhíxiáshì, xiàn shìzhèngfǔ mín zhèngjú
Municipalities, counties and city government national political offices
Zhíxiáshì, xiàn shìzhèngfǔ huánbǎojú
Municipalities, counties and city government environmental protection offices

  1. 學齡兒童自國外返國就學,只要檢附經我國派駐當地辦事處認證之成績證明,即可到哪裡申請銜接就讀?
    Xuélíng értóng zì guówài fǎnguó jiù xué, zhǐyào jiǎn fù jīng wǒguó pài zhù dāngdì bànshìchù rènzhèng zhī chéngjì zhèngmíng, jíkě dào nǎlǐ shēnqǐng xiánjiē jiùdú?
    Where can school aged children returning from abroad to study in Taiwanese schools go to have their overseas school transcripts checked and authenticated so that they can enrol at local schools?

Hùjí suǒzàidì de hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ
At a household registration office that holds their household registration
Hùjí suǒzàidì de jǐngchájú
At their local police station
Hùjí suǒzàidì de guómín zhōng xiǎoxué
At their local national elementary or junior high school

  1. 如果您不知道子女就讀國民中小學的學區,可以向哪裡查詢?
    Rúguǒ nín bùzhīdào zǐnǚ jiùdú guómín zhōng xiǎoxué de xuéqū, kěyǐ xiàng nǎlǐ cháxún?
    If you don’t know which national elementary or junior high school National School District your children should attend, where can you go to inquire?

Zhíxiáshì, xiàn (shì) zhèngfǔ huánbǎojú
Municipalities, counties and city government environmental protection offices
Zhíxiáshì, xiàn (shì) zhèngfǔ shèhuì jú
Municipalities, counties and city government Bureau of Social Affairs
Zhíxiáshì, xiàn (shì) zhèngfǔ jiàoyù jú
Municipalities, counties and city government education offices

[quote=“bismarck”]The Education Section

  1. 國民義務教育的對象是幾歲到幾歲的國民?
    Guómín yìwùjiàoyù de duìxiàng shì jǐsuì dào jǐsuì de guómín?
    Compulsory national education is directed at Taiwanese nationals between which ages?
    Technically, “from what age to what age” (changes the meaning slightly, but that’s really more technical than anything else. You have the idea.)

At what age must nationals attend national elementary school?

The “wei4” is past tense – “those who were not able to attend school”. And 失學 means “to have one’s education interrupted, to be unable to go to school”. So the question is asking about people, probably later in life, going back to school to make up for “lost time” previously.

Actually, “receive funds for lunch”, but same idea.


  1. 發現學校合作社有販賣不符規定的東西時,可以向哪裡檢舉?
    Fāxiàn xuéxiào hézuòshè yǒu fànmài bùfú guīdìng de dōngxi, kěyǐ xiàng nǎlǐ jiǎnjǔ?
    Where can you report inconsistencies with regulations regarding the sale of school items by the school cooperative?[/quote]
    I’d probably just say “sale of unapproved items in school stores”, but same idea.

Thanks, Ironlady. I made some changes based on your notes.

I had some help with the Education Section as one of my adult students is (fortunately for me) a teacher a national elementary school and could explain some of the stuff to me. Some interesting things I didn’t know about and it feels good to be more educated about what goes on here.

Thanks again for your help. It’s greatly appreciated.

You’re a champion bismarck. And thanks for sweeping up ironlady.

It is really interesting to read about some of these things, although as you said I’ll bet 99% of the adult citizens in Taiwan have no clue at all about the answers in many cases. I don’t think the US citizenship test is nearly as detailed (although, being an adult American, I have no clue about it, really. :smiley: )

Damn, posts by myself and sjcma were lost with the system upgrade thingy they were doing on Sunday.

Anyhoo, thanks to sjcma and Ironlady for all the help so far.

Here’s the Financial and Taxation Section. I found this section very difficult, because I wasn’t always sure exactly what they are getting at…
Anyway, here’s my best effort.

[quote]財稅金融類 (Financial and Taxation Section)
Cái shuì jīnróng lèi

  1. 納稅是不是國民應盡的義務?
    Nàshuì shìbùshì guómín yīng jìn de yìwù?
    Is paying taxes a National obligation?


  1. 你如果有個人工作的所得收入,應該要繳納什麼稅?
    Nǐ rúguǒ yǒu gèrén gōngzuò de suǒdé shōurù, yīnggāi yāo jiǎonà shénme shuì?
    If you have an income from work, what kind of tax should you pay?

Zōnghé suǒdéshuì
Income Tax
Dì jià shuì
Land Tax
Fángwū shuì
House Tax

  1. 申報年度綜合所得稅的期間是什麼時候?
    Shēnbào niándù zōnghé suǒdéshuì de qījiān shì shénme shíhou?
    During which period of time should you declare your annual income tax?


  1. 你可以利用以下哪個方式申報綜合所得稅?
    Nǐ kěyǐ lìyòng yǐxià nǎge fāngshì shēnbào zōnghé suǒdéshuì?
    Which of the following ways can you use to declare your income tax?

Xiàng hùjí dì de guó shuì jú suǒshǔ fēnjú, jī zhēng suǒ shēnbào
Make your declaration at a regional sub-bureau (where you live) of the national tax office
Yóujì shēnbào
Mail declaration
Wǎngzhàn shēnbào
Website declaration

  1. 為了避免商店逃、漏稅,在買東西之後,記得要向店家索取什麼?
    Wèile bìmiǎn shāngdiàn táo, lòushuì, zài mǎidōngxi zhīhòu, jìde yāo xiàng diànjiā suǒqǔ shénme?
    In order to prevent tax evasion by stores, after shopping and making a purchase, what do you need to remember to demand from the proprietor of a store?

Uniform receipt (invoice)
Gōngyì cǎi quàn
Public (welfare) lottery ticket
Hónglì jī diǎn juàn
Accumulated bonus points (from purchases on store cards or credit cards etc)

  1. 交給房東的房租,可以申報哪一種租稅的扣除額?
    Jiāogěi fángdōng de fángzū, kěyǐ shēnbào nǎ yīzhǒng zūshuì de kòuchú é?
    Regarding rent to a landlord, what kind of tax can be reported?

Zèng yǔ shuì
Gift Tax
Yúlè shuì
Entertainment Tax
Income Tax

  1. 你開店做生意賺的錢,每年結算申報時應該要繳納「營利事業所得稅」還是「印花稅」?
    Nǐ kāidiàn zuòshēngyì zhuàn de qián, měinián jiésuàn shēnbào shí yīnggāi yāo jiǎonà “yínglì shìyè suǒdéshuì” háishì “yìnhuāshuì”?
    You open a business for profit, every year when you should declare “business income tax” or “stamp duty”?

Yínglì shìyè suǒdéshuì
Business Income Tax
Stamp Duty

  1. 贈與給下列哪些人的財產,不論金額是多少,都可以免被課徵贈與稅?
    Zèng yǔ gěi xiàliè nǎxiē rén de cáichǎn, bùlùn jīné shì duōshao, dōu kěyǐ miǎn bèi kè zhēng zèng yǔ shuì?
    Which of the following people can you give a gift, regardless of the value, and remain exempt from gift tax?

Xiōngdì zǐmèi
Brothers and sisters

  1. 外國人持有哪些文件,就可以向全國各地的銀行開設存款帳戶?
    Wàiguórén chíyǒu nǎxiē wénjiàn, jiù kěyǐ xiàng quánguógèdì de yínháng kāishè cúnkuǎn zhànghù?
    Which documents do foreigners need so that they can open up a bank account in any part of the country?

Jūliúzhèng zhèng běn
An original residence card


And here’s the Military Service Section.

[quote]兵役類 (Military Service Section)
Bīngyì lèi

  1. 歸化我國國籍的男子,是不是有服兵役(當兵)的義務?
    Guīhuà wǒguó guójí de nánzǐ, shìbùshì yǒu fú bīngyì (dāngbīng) de yìwù?
    Do naturalized male citizens have an obligation to do military service (serve in the army)?


  1. 我國的兵役制度是屬於哪一種制度?
    Wǒguó de bīngyì zhìdù shì shǔyú nǎ yīzhǒng zhìdù?
    Which kind of system is Taiwan’s military service institution?

Mù bīng zhì
A voluntary military service system
Zhēngbīng zhì
A conscription system
Yōng bīng zhì
A mercenary system

  1. 歸化我國國籍的役齡(19歲至36歲)男子,自初設戶籍登記之次日起,屆滿幾年就要服兵役?
    Guīhuà wǒguó guójí de yì líng (19 suì zhì 36 suì) nánzǐ, zì chūshè hùjí dēngjì zhī cìrì qǐ, jièmǎn jǐnián jiùyào fú bīngyì?
    Naturalized male citizens within the obligation age range for military service (19 to 36), become eligible for service from the first day after the initial registration of household registration. How many years is the fixed term of service?


  1. 我國女子有沒有服兵役的義務?
    Wǒguó nǚzǐ yǒu méiyǒu fú bīngyì de yìwù?
    Are Taiwanese women obligated to do military service?


  1. 歸化成為中華民國國民並設有戶籍後,可不可以報考軍校?
    Guīhuà chéngwéi Zhōnghuá Mínguó guómín bìng shè yǒu hùjí hòu, kě bùkěyǐ bàokǎo jūnxiào?
    Can you register to sit the examination to enter the Military Academy after completing naturalization to become an ROC national and arranging to have household registration?


Ok, apparently the forum and posts will be secure until 8pm tonight, so here is the next section:

[quote]社會福利類 (Social Welfare Section)
Shèhuì fúlì lèi

  1. 國民年金開辦後,必須是在國內設有戶籍,且最近3年內每年居住超過183日之年滿幾歲的國民,方可領取老年基本保證年金?
    Guómín niánjīn kāibàn hòu, bìxū shì zài guónèi shè yǒu hùjí, qiě zuìjìn, niánnèi měinián jūzhù chāoguò 183 rì zhī nián mǎn jǐsuì de guómín, fāng kě lǐngqǔ lǎonián jīběn bǎozhèng niánjīn?
    After national pension starts, you need to be in the country and have set up household registration; furthermore you have to have lived in the country for 183 days or more for the last three years and be at least how old (nationals) to draw basic guaranteed old age pension?


  1. 國民年金開辦後,符合老年基本保證年金之領取條件者,應向哪一個機關提出申請?
    Guómín niánjīn kāibàn hòu, fúhé lǎonián jīběn bǎozhèng niánjīn zhī lǐngqǔ tiáojiàn zhě, yīng xiàng nǎyīge jīguān tíchū shēnqǐng?
    After national pension starts, in keeping with old age pension guarantees and to ensure receiving conditions, at which office should you forward your application?

Hùjí suǒzàidì xiáqū de jǐngchájú
Police stations within your household registration office’s administrative region
Láogōng bǎoxiǎn jú (láogōng bǎoxiǎn jú zǒngjú huò gèdì de bànshìchù)
Labour Insureance Office (Labour Insurance Bureau or branches anywhere in the country)
Hùjí suǒzàidì de hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ
Household registration office where your household registration is held

  1. 如果家人不幸因為颱風、水災或土石流災害死亡,要向哪個機關申請災害救助?
    Rúguǒ jiārén bùxìng yīnwèi táifēng, shuǐzāi huò tǔ shí liú zāihài sǐwáng, yāo xiàng nǎge jīguān shēnqǐng zāihài jiùzhù?
    In the event of a family misfortune because of a typhoon, flood or landslide (natural disasters/death), at which office can you apply for disaster relief (aid)?

Hùjí suǒzàidì de wèishēng suǒ
Your household registration office’s local clinic
Hùjí suǒzàidì de hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ
Household registration office where your household registration is held
Hùjí suǒzàidì de xiāng (zhèn, shì, qū) gōngsuǒ
Rural household registration office (small town, city, region) township

  1. 低收入戶可以向哪個機關申請生活扶助?
    Dīshōurù hù kěyǐ xiàng nǎge jīguān shēnqǐng shēnghuó fúzhù?
    To which agency can low income households direct applications for (basic) living assistance?

Hùjí suǒzàidì de jǐngchájú
Police station in your household registration region
Hùjí suǒzàidì de hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ
Household registration office where your household registration is held
Hùjí suǒzàidì de xiāng (zhèn, shì, qū) gōngsuǒ
Rural household registration office (small town, city, region) township

  1. 低收入戶的認定,可以向哪個機關提出申請?
    Dīshōurù hù de rèndìng, kěyǐ xiàng nǎge jīguān tíchū shēnqǐng?
    Identified low income households can direct proposals to which agency?

Hùjí suǒzàidì de jǐngchájú
Police station in your household registration region
Hùjí suǒzàidì de hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ
Household registration office where your household registration is held
Hùjí suǒzàidì de xiāng (zhèn, shì, qū) gōngsuǒ
Rural household registration office (small town, city, region) township

  1. 如果生活發生緊急事故或意外事件,造成家庭經濟陷於困境時,可以向哪個機關提出急難救助申請?
    Rúguǒ shēnghuó fāshēng jǐnjí shìgù huò yìwài shìjiàn, zàochéng jiātíng jīngjì xiànyú kùnjìng shí, kěyǐ xiàng nǎge jīguān tíchū jínàn jiùzhù shēnqǐng?
    In the event of an emergency or accident, caused by financial difficulties at home, to which agency can you direct a proposal for an application for emergency aid?

The Police department
Xiāng (zhèn, shì, qū) gōngsuǒ
Local town, city, or district office
Hùzhèng shìwùsuǒ
Household registration office

  1. 如果已參加勞工保險是否可以再參加農民健康保險?
    Rúguǒ yǐ cānjiā láogōng bǎoxiǎn shìfǒu kěyǐ zài cānjiā nóngmín jiànkāngbǎoxiǎn?
    If you’ve already participated in labour insurance, can you participate in farmer’s health insurance?


  1. 農保的投保單位是哪個單位?
    Nóngbǎo de tóu bǎo dānwèi shì nǎge dānwèi?
    To which deparment do farmers go to for farmer’s insurance?

Yú huì
Fish farmers’ unit
Farmers’ unit (cooperative)
Xiāng (zhèn, shì, qū) gōngsuǒ
Local town, city, or district office

  1. 身心障礙參加社會保險(如:健保),政府是否有補助保費?
    Shēnxīnzhàngài cānjiā shèhuìbǎoxiǎn (rú: jiàn bǎo), zhèngfǔ shìfǒu yǒu bǔzhù bǎo fèi?
    Regarding physical and psychological barriers to participation in Social Security (Such as: Health Insurance), does the government have subsidized insurance premiums?


  1. 父母、政府及公私立機構、團體處理兒童及少年相關事務時,應以什麼為最優先考量?
    Fùmǔ, zhèngfǔ jí gōng sīlì jīgòu, tuántǐ chǔlǐ értóng jí shàonián xiāngguān shìwù shí, yīng yǐ shénme wèi zuì yōuxiān kǎoliáng?
    Parents, government, public or private organizations, groups dealing with matters relating to children and adolescents, should consider what as their main priority?

Értóng jí shàonián de zuìjiālìyì
The best interests of the children or adolescents
Fùmǔ de qíngxù
The parents’ sentiments
Qīng hán zhèngmíng
Proof of poverty (financial need)

  1. 出版品、電腦軟體、電腦網路應予分級,兒童及少年可以觀看的是哪一級?
    Chūbǎn pǐn, diànnǎo ruǎntǐ, diànnǎowǎnglù yīng yǔ fēnjí, értóng jí shàonián kěyǐ guānkàn de shì nǎ yījí?
    Publications, computer software and computer networks should give a rating; Which level may children and adolescents watch?

Xiànzhì jí
Pǔbiàn jí
General (family) rating
Chéngrén jí
Adult rating
Méiyǒu xiànzhì
No restriction

  1. 發展遲緩兒童應於幾歲以前做早期療育較能改善其發展?
    Fāzhǎn chíhuǎn értóng yīng yú jǐsuì yǐqián zuò zǎoqī liáo yù jiào néng gǎishàn qí fāzhǎn?
    Before what age should there be an intervention with a slow developing child to improve their development?


  1. 如何發現孩子有疑似發展緩慢,使其提早接受早期治療?
    Rúhé fāxiàn háizi yǒu yísì fāzhǎn huǎnmàn, shǐ qí tízǎo jiēshòu zǎoqī zhìliáo?
    How do you determine if a child is developing too slowly, in order to employ an early treatment?

Yīyuàn huò zhěnsuǒ zhī értóng yùfáng bǎojiàn fúwù jiǎnchá
Preventative health service inspections (check-ups) at a hospital of children’s clinic
Wèishēng suǒ, yòuzhìyuán, tuōérsuǒ, jí xuéxiào zhī jiànkāng jiǎnchá
Clinics, kindergarten and nursery school health checks
Cānjiā zhèngfǔ huò mínjiān fúlì jīgòu tuántǐ bànlǐ zhī shāijiǎn huódòng
Participation in screening activities provided by government welfare agencies or private organisations

  1. 發現兒童及少年受到虐待,可以打哪支電話幫助他們?
    Fāxiàn értóng jí shàonián shòudào nüèdài, kěyǐ dǎ nǎ zhī diànhuà bāngzhù tāmen?
    If you discover that a child or adolescent is suffering mistreatment, which telephone number can you call to give them assistance?


I found this section very difficult as there were many terms and situations I was unfamiliar with…

Many thanks for all of these posts, bismarck. :notworthy:

Off-topic question: What are you using to produce the Pinyin?