Taiwanese women seek strip dance ... (pictures inside!)

Stumbled on this in a German newspaper and googled some English report:

[quote]Taiwanese women seek strip dance to boost confidence

Posted on Monday, May 28, 2007 (EST)

In the dimly lit dance studio with colourful gauze covering the windows, Nina
Chen instructs a group of women how to sway to the music while slowly
taking off their clothes in front of a wall of mirrors.

Continued here[/quote]

:nsfw: :nsfw: :nsfw: :nsfw: :nsfw: :nsfw: :nsfw:

You didn’t really expect to see nude pictures, did you?

Rascal! I’ve a good mind to squeal your post for inappropriate use of the NSFW sign. :fume:
I was expecting at LEAST a titty or two.

If I lose my job because of some NSFW sign, I’m gonna be pissed.

It’s good enough for me. Thanks for the link Rascal. :wanker:

Hmm belly buttons and cleavage…

I like the girl on the pool.

[quote=“Rascal”]Stumbled on this in a German newspaper and googled some English report:

[quote]Taiwanese women seek strip dance to boost confidence

Posted on Monday, May 28, 2007 (EST)

In the dimly lit dance studio with colourful gauze covering the windows, Nina
Chen instructs a group of women how to sway to the music while slowly
taking off their clothes in front of a wall of mirrors.

Continued here[/quote]

:nsfw: :nsfw: :nsfw: :nsfw: :nsfw: :nsfw: :nsfw:

You didn’t really expect to see nude pictures, did you?

Most of those photos are simply of belly dancing classes. Only the last two look like they have anything to do with stripping.

I must be looking at a different link. I could have shown that my grandmother. If she was still alive.

A warning like that needs something I could get into trouble at work for :raspberry:

If you’re going to link to pictures of ladies in tights, baring belly buttons and cleavage, for Matzu’s sake, man, at least make sure that they’re good-looking women. If I want to ogle middle-aged Taiwanese tai-tais working out in spandex, I can do that at my local gym.

Not that any of those women were ugly or anything, just “strikingly average” to coin a phrase. Not worth the bother clicking.

I am not sure the pole pictures are actually from the classes the article talks about (though they were linked to the German article), because in there it says they won’t teach pole dance.

But I am actually disappointed, I thought we can discuss the article but all you guys are interested in are pictures of naked women. :s


What interests me is the vast difference between the photos in the English article to which you linked, and the photos you posted.

The classes certainly aren’t about belly dancing, and ss you say the English article makes it clear that this has nothing to do with pole dancing:

The German article links to them but perhaps the newspaper took a bit of liberty and used (unrelated) pictures from the archive, which of course would be rather misleading and stupid.

There are good opportunities for Taiwanese women to earn money stripping in Taiwan, as you can see from the following YouTube videos. If women removing their clothes down to their bra and underwear in front of the camera is NSFW, then these videos are NSFW.

Wouldn’t this class ba a great opportunity for these xiaojies to get into the business of funeral stripping? No videos for this category, since it’s unlucky to watch a funeral.

Stripping at Moon Festival? There are so many kids watching, I don’t know how it could be NSFW (but it is).

Or how about stripping while giving the weather report? NSFW

Next to come is the pole dancing fitness craze. With skills learned in this class, women will be able to participate in such events as:

The NSFW big fish party. No idea why there’s such a big fish, but there’s a woman here doing some pole dancing for a rural community in Taiwan to enjoy.

These are just a small sampling from YouTube of the many opportunities that women who take these classes can take.

You didn’t really expect to see nude pictures, did you?

You know what? With all these :nsfw: icons…

I actually was… :frowning:

I was disappointed, too.
I thought it would be about women looking for guys to strip for them.