Taiwan's 2024 Presidential Election


Regardless, that’s the official position of the TMD I mean TPP.

Do any of you actually follow the politics and read polls?

Ko is carving out votes from KMT, not DPP. He was never in it to win, he’s in it for his party’s seats in LY. Right now the poll numbers show Lai 35-40%, Ko 15-20%, and Hou/Gou 20-25%.

Lai alone almost has almost as much support as Ko and KMT combined. That’s why DPP is completely quiet because the KMT infighting and their fight with Ko are both great news to DPP.

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Yes, that is the point I made above.


Would you mind linking a poll that shows the TPP gaining votes from KMT?

EDIT: Never mind, you just edited your comment.

He is also popular with Taipei business types. He isn’t similar to Han at all

Yeah, traditional polling with landline phones, which almost no one under 40 would have these days. The youth vote and turnout is the deciding factor here. If you look at what happened in Hsinchu City, you’d know which coalition the TMD is gunning for.

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No. Many polls are also conducted through SMS or cellphone now. It’s the combination of both. Have you not received that kind of calls?

Never once.

Well maybe they thought you were a foreigner.

Unlikely. Even then, my wife has never gotten one of those either. I’m guessing it’s because I don’t live in Taipei city.

I think the concept is to poll from just one area which makes it easier to extrapolate that number to represent the whole country. By just picking out cellphone numbers at random the pollster would have no idea where those being polled are. I guess they could ask for that info as one of their questions though.

If KMT run with Hou, which is most likely, then will be an interesting election.

He will be the first KMT presidential candidate that is not Waisheng and also is ambivalent to China.

Cross-straits issues are likely to matter less than in any other Taiwan presidential election. I think this is a positive thing, as means Taiwan is moving towards being a more normal and functioning democracy.

There is little audience this time around for pro-engagement rhetoric, let alone pro-reunification.

If you’ve been reading PTT or DCard since 2021, I think you would have a different view on this. Those forums with demographics of under 50 and under 30 have been very pro-engagement since 2021. A lot of them seem to lean towards Guo and Ke.

Lee Teng-hui is the precedent here.

Apparently hard-core KMT types are terrified he could turn out to be Lee 2.0. :joy:


I don’t really read them. I cant really decipher who are the trolls or paid-ccp trolls on Dcard and what is the actual sentiment. Taiwanese say they can easily work it out

Oh yeah.

You may have forgotten him.

The KMT hardliners have not. :upside_down_face:


Right now a lot of the KMT brass are on the make in China, or their family is.

They are probably more concerned about him ruining their honeypot, rather than reforming the KMT

PTT is now full of paid shills. They are no longer representative of the public opinion.

Dcard is mostly college students and they like Ko because college students are young and stupid. They also don’t vote much so it’s not really relevant either.

I doubt it. At this point, it’s not just trolls or paid-ccp trolls that are pushing the pro-engagement and anti-DPP agenda. I suspect those managing the PTT gossip forum are in it as well. The amount of anti-DPP content is overwhelming on those popular forums. I would say no one is posting positive things about the DPP anymore because one would end up being trolled for being paid-trolls by thousands of people acting like paid-trolls.

DPP has also been in power for two terms. Its normal anywhere for there not to be much popular sentiment after eight years