Taiwan's Lee visits Tokyo's Yasukuni war shrine


Former Taiwan president Lee Teng-hui, despised by Beijing for asserting the self-ruled island’s sovereignty, paid his respects at a Tokyo’s Yasukuni war shrine on Thursday, despite China’s objections.[/quote]
A sad day for Taiwanese worldwide as our ex-leader sells out our dignity for a fragile ROC/Japan alliance that may never come to pass.

PS- at least it was covered by CNN.

History will record the following summary on LTH;

  1. He failed as a communist
  2. He participated in 228 incidence
  3. He had his dirty hands dip in ‘black gold’ politics
  4. He was kicked out of KMT for being a traitor
  5. He failed as a founder and leader to the pittance party he leads
  6. He and his TSU party will just fade away without a whisper
  7. He acts as if he is a stateman, but nobody is listening
  8. He visited the shrine for cheap publicity when he made no headway in Taiwan
  9. He is a ugly racist, bend on destroying Taiwan with his race card.
    10.He served more as a followup to CCK’s intention to liberate political freedom
    11.He claimed to be Moses but people think he is more a dirty leech
    12.He is Hakka Chinese but no, he wants to be a Japanese and die as one.
    13.He and CSB are strange bedfellows but he accused the latter of having no ball
    14.He couldn’t care less whether Taiwan will be destroyed by his grave provocation
    15.He tried to restrict investment in China but failed badly
    16.He never back Taiwan independence but claimed on the other hand, that Taiwan is already independent. He is a lunatic
    17.He is known for his post-retirement eccentric behavior for cosplayed in comics
    18.He criticizes the current regime for not changing ROC name but found no gut to carry out himself
    19.He is the chief contributor to the present malaise afflicting Taiwan society.
    20.He hate Chinese for no better reason, without realizing that he hated himself in reverse.
    21.He acts as unsolicited spokeman for Yasukuni Shrine, the symbol of Japan militarism
    22.He continues to defend Japan’s past crimes

the list goes on… all nothing but obnoxious.

We should start a LTH appreciation thread… :laughing:

[quote=“beebee”]History will record the following summary on LTH;

4. He was kicked out of KMT for being a traitor

the list goes on… all nothing but obnoxious.


That is a badge of honor. :bravo:

Not saying much, nearly every political leader in Taiwan has been kick out of the KMT or gone to jail.

No, no, no. The honor should go to KMT for kicking out dirty-tainted rogue politician. A new fresh KMT in the making, is the only party capable of governing Taiwan.

I’d be inclined to cut Lee/Li some slack on this one. He went there to pay respects to his own brother.


I think it was very calculated. Because upon futher inspection, most Taiwanese build shrines in their own homes for their ancestors and relatives.

If he has no remains of his brother left, what’s is the significant difference between the shrine in Japan and his own personal shrine if that is the case.

Not many Taiwanese are practicing shinto, not to mention there are a few remaining shinto shrine in Taiwan.

So the Yasukuni Shrine from a religious stand point isn’t that significant either.

Rumor have it that all Taiwanese souls were removed from the shrine already two years ago by Kao-Chin Su-mei.

She wanted to bring the Aborigines’ souls back to Taiwan but the Jap police wouldn’t let her near the place.

(p.s. Kao Chin/Gao Jin Sumei/May Chin/Ciwas Ali has her own thread here on Forumosa.)

I’d be more inclined to be sympathetic if he hadn’t marched in surrounded by a crowd of cheering right-wing Japanese nationalists wearing Imperial Army gear.

No, that’s probably a lie. I probably wouldn’t be more sympathetic either.

So Japanese don’t embrace all Taiwanese as LTH likes to promote.

You have any photographs of that CCTANG? You know, for my collection. :fedora: