Taiwans political system is based on …

And yes it’s all in the name. The CCP makes it a point to think so.

Yup such as people calling that Dutch country Holland.

and you are?

I am Avai Vayayana. Or did you mean to write You do?

You’re triggered. I’d ask you to think before you write but that first part has never become you.

But tell you what hotshot. I might be completely off the mark. Tell us why I’m wrong and why you think I don’t have the knowledge with sources and examples.

Let’s see your work - person with the knowledge. :slight_smile:

It’s pointless. When people adduce facts, you just say that they are ‘lost in the weeds’ or the like. Your ignorance of both Chinese and Taiwanese history strains credulity.


Yeah okay -

You’ve got no concrete sources and your argument is “well I don’t like what you’re saying - I’m gonna find anecdotal evidence as to why your entire argument is wrong and there you’re wrong.”

Me: America is first presidential republic and other presidential republic modeled the US as cultural and demographically able.

You: but country X doesn’t have a bill of rights/electoral college/insert anecdotal and irrelevant point here) so you’re wrong

Me:…the presidential republic is in the name….and in the case of Chinese Taiwan it’s the Republic of China.

You: whining nonsense and personal attack here
Like that smart guy “oh it’s just a name!” Jeez….thats how my grade school daughter would argue.

Tell you what - just watch it all unfold. History is like poetry it rhymes ( thank you George!)

I don’t believe that I have to footnote commonly known historical facts. It also appears that you do not know what ‘anecdotal’ means if you are applying it to my posts.

Here 's just one recent example of how painfully obvious it is that you do not have a handle on the basic facts.

The conflict between the KMT and CCP began in the 1920s.

A bit off topic but I appreciate learning this new word today. I don’t recall seeing it before.

Yeah aggressively ignorant posts are a dime a dozen here. :sweat_smile:

“You can lead the horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”…

Agreed.- too many people saying “you’re wrong just because”.

Time will tell - or rather time is telling…people just aren’t listening.

Everyone has their own theory about what will happen to Taiwan and China in the future.

None of us know the future though :man_shrugging:

My personal opinion is that tensions will get so high at some point that Taiwan will reluctantly become the 3rd SAR, likely when the first Chinese boots land on Taiwan soil, to avoid an all out war.

If haven’t really thought about what would happen if the communist party fails cos I don’t see that happening any time soon. The ROC would have a right to claim the mainland but I don’t see that happening either.
Probably the UN and some other countries would take care of administrating China temporarily while democratic governance is sorted out

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I wish it would get to this point:

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You appear to be ignoring the fact that Taiwan’s history, as appossed to and separate from the ROC’s history, pre-dates that of the ROC. One way to view this is that the ROC is just another chapter in the history of Taiwan.

Pleas elaborate then. Last I checked taiwan was a Dutch then Chinese then Japanese colony and now?

Also the fact is the ROC are in charge of Taiwan. Arguably taiwan is territory of the Republic of China - the dethroned government of China.

Now sure the ROC has adapted its constitution to reflect its new reality but I ask - what if that changes? What if Chinese history repeats itself and there’s a political and military vacuum in the mainland again?

Look we are all making predictions but at the very least they have to make sense. For people to say that taiwan is taiwan is taiwan are just…deluded.

Hopefully it won’t take a Chinese warship to wake locals up but they really seem to want it…

Your argument almost validates Beijing’s claim. Another way to view this is that Chiang Kai-shek forced onto the Taiwanese people during his annexation and dictatorship this impossible narrative that you are propagating. A lot has changed since then, the dictatorship ended, the Taiwan people now have a say on who governs them. You could argue that the mainland ROC that ruled Taiwan as a dictatorship no-longer exists, and only the name continues, but not by choice.

Those are different things but let’s break it down.

So whomever controls Beijing has the strongest claim to being the “official” Chinese government. This has always been the case in Chinese history.

The ROC are still in charge and have amended their constitution and apparently their methods of governing - sure. But it’s still the ROC with the ROC flag and the little kids born in Taiwan are given an ROC birth certificate.

And you contradict yourself I fear: only the name continues but not by choice. Exactly.

And the Taiwan people will take what they can get. To control Taiwan one only needs to seize control of Taipei, Kaohsiung and arguably a port town on the East as well as maybe Taichung?

Beijing hasn’t always been the capital.

Due to threat of invasion.

If we go back to your hypothetical what if the CCP collapses… I’d put money on Taiwan taking the opportunity to confirm its independence from China and change its name and constitution.

okay okay - whomever controls the capital (which has been Peking or Beijing or whatever) as of late has the strongest claim to China. The forbidden kingdom too?