Taiwan's Problems are Clinton's Fault

When did those two countries ever go to war with each other?

I guess Latin and South American countries have no use for democracy, do they?

Before the democracy debate goes any further, read this link:

Who erased my post and why?

Bu Lyin’ doesn’t know what he’s talking about…

Of course the mainland is more comfortable with it’s old rival the KMT than a new government that it doesn’t know anything about. And of course the govt. of China was having secret meetings with the KMT…but never with Chen…duh…


Thanks Michael, that site was informative and puts the argument to rest for me. Funny, I was thinking about Sparta today, all prepared to go at it again.

Here is an interesting proposal that I saw was intiated last week in the United States Congress.

  1. It is United States policy that the future of Taiwan should be resolved peacefully, through a democratic mechanism such as a plebiscite and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan;
  2. It is United States policy that Taiwan’s future must be decided by the people of Taiwan without outside threats, intimidation or interference.

Not sure if it will become a law or not. Most likely, US business interests will run scared and pressure congress not to pass this. Anyway, a vote in Taiwan on this issue would be scary as the PRC would not let it happen because they already know what the answer is. Those dictators in Beijing must trulely be afraid of democaracy.

Dummy, I didn’t say that the Mainland prefers the DPP to the KMT. I said that they hate Chen less than they hate Lee. Anyway, I’m not 100% sure of this, but I’ve read a couple of articles analysing official Chinese press articles about Chen and Lee and basically they’re a lot softer on Chen than they were on Lee - at least after Lee’s “state to state relations” theory.


President Chen has said that if he wins the election on March 20, the PRC officials will be forced to come to the bargaining table under the premise of “one Taiwan, one China.” Chairman Lien has said that if he wins the election, the PRC officials will be forced to come to the bargaining table under the premise of “one China” – the Republic of China.

But I am wondering if the PRC will just refuse to come to the bargaining table in any event . . . . . . comments anyone?