Tanning bed, newbie!

For the first time in my life I have actually started going to the gym 3-4 days a week. I started in October of last year and I am starting to show some results. I was hoping to be able to take off my shirt a bit this summer at the beach without people going blind from my butt ass white skin and farmers tan. I know the best thing is the sun, but since I go to my gym 3-4 days a week, I would have time to use their brand new tanning bed.

I have never used one before and because my skin is so fair I don’t know how long I should tan for. I get burned really easily, but I will tan over time…a long time though. I can use the tanning bed for either 7 or 15 min, but I know even the 7 min is going to be too long for the first couple of times. My questions are how long should I tan for at first? I would like to cover my face; will just a towel be good for that? Do people usually tan naked or should I keep my boxer shorts on? Thanks for any info.

In a word. Don’t.

Claire Oliver is long since dead, by the bye.

Yeah I know, but I am never in the sun these days. I don’t think this will be a common thing for me, I just want to be fit and a little tan once in my life. I dont think a month of tanning will bring on skin cancer.

But it could very easily. Just take a walk every day with your shirt off. No more than 10 minutes or so to begin with. Takes time, but in a few weeks you’ll be brown as a berry – not that weird orange sunbed glow that the chavs seek, but a real tan. I’m pretty fair-skinned, but by May or June, I’m looking like a walnut, and I never go as far as getting red.

On the contrary: your skin would be so unused to the sun, you’ll get burned even more easily. Take my cue: tanning cream. No one has gotten cancer from it, it is cheaper, and you have more control ove rteh results. Any overexposure can be fixed with lemon juice. Ta-daaaa!

+1 for going outside. This sun and humidity will cook you REALLY fast. I try not to use sunscreen if it’s for short periods, I think it’s good for you to not use sunscreen as long as you don’t burn (warning: No Citation, no evidence, no proof, no science, probably an asinine stupid statement).

Natural sun looks better (I have tanned in the past when I was much younger… maybe 10 times? I don’t really regret it but I wouldn’t do it again).

Do they even have tanning beds in the land of skin whiteners?

Wearing this shirt will be much safer, you can borrow mine if you want…

Right on, then I think I will save my money and try to go on a few walks with my shirt off. I’m going to get some crazy looks though. Yikes!! Thanks for the advice people!!

You are in Taiwan. You don’t need a sunbed.
Go to a running track during your lunch break and sit in the sun for an hour (30 on front, 30 on back). There will be barely anyone there if it’s hot.
You will slowly tan.

I have a year round tan (I also go abroad a couple of times during winter) and I was sunbathing in December here and even February had a couple of great days.
Otherwise I apply a little fake tan - not too much though.
But forget sunbeds.