šŸ›¬ Taoyuan Airport | Ideas for a 12-15 Hour Layover

Took my brother and his wife to one of those high-end Beitou hot spring hotels for a couple hours on a short layover. Had a great soak. Had a great meal. I can recommend. If it were me on a layover I would not want to go traipsing all over.


Yeah or maybe Pause Landis in Wulai where you have the views.


Taipei will be hot as shit in June though


Take the Maokong gondola, walk around there for a couple of hours (itā€™s not busy when you get further away from the gondola) then go to one of the tea houses for some food and drink while enjoying the view.


If you go to Tamsui anyway and you dislike Taipei downtown, why not spend most of your time up there?

@marco surely can give you some recommendations for that beside the obvious places such as the fort, the fisherman wharf, the ferry across the river, the old-street area, etc.

For places to eat, check

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@lostinasia lives in Danshui too.

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I know, he said ā€œour placeā€. Well, maybe they have done Tamsui before.

How about going to the other end of town? Wulai!

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I mean, I think there is little I can recommend him that he either doesnā€™t already know or that I havenā€™t already written in the Danshui thread.


Itā€™s not so much disliking downtown Taipei - itā€™s just that I far prefer it on weekdays, rather than weekends.

As Batman @TaipeiGuy2000 suggested, traipsing around all over the place doesnā€™t seem that appealing, and I think thatā€™s what Danshui would be. Plus the big things Iā€™m looking for are nice places to sit with good food and/or drink for a couple of hours, with mildly diverting attractions between the locations, and Danshui doesnā€™t have many places that appeal to me in that way. Itā€™s also an opportunity to head for nicer restaurants than I usually would (hopefully my brother will pay - god knows he makes more money than I do! - but it doesnā€™t matter).

So, for example, right now Iā€™m wondering about early lunch at Addiction Aquatic Development; drinks on the patio at Meowvelous; wander the department stores in Xinyi a bit; dinner at Saffron, and MRT back to the airport. Thatā€™s roughly the level of exertion (mainly digestive exertion, I suppose!) Iā€™d be looking at. Lunch somewhere and then up to Maokong is also an interesting possibility. Or Maokong first, but I like the idea of being up there for sunset, depending of course on his departure time.

However, I do hope the thread can be useful for others, not just me - I was surprised to not find another thread asking about this topic. The hot springs suggestion is a good one - but personally, I donā€™t like hot springs normally, and certainly wouldnā€™t be interested in them in June. I still need to look into what there is to do in Sansia and Dasi - I suspect thatā€™s busier than what weā€™d be interested in, but since heā€™s flying in from Singapore, heā€™s not going to be jet-lagged (but perhaps tired!). A tourist run of Danshui would be good for someone with more energy and, er, touristic enthusiasm (?) than I have.


Is he a cyclist like you? If so, take him on a ride! A cyclist friend visited me a few years ago, and I took him on a ride around Taipei. Heā€™s still raving about it to this day and wants to do a repeat.

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Oh, that would be a great idea, but no, he is most definitely not a cyclist.

I have certainly fantasized about showing other cyclist friends around some of the hills here.

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Balcony in Danshui is an awesome spot to watch sunsets

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Yeah if you think about Taipei is a good city to live, but not that much of a tourist city.

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Speaking of places that arenā€™t open when I typically want to sit at a balcony with a nice view and get some reading or marking done! (Opens at 6pm Wednesday to Friday, 4pm on Saturday & Sunday). Darn it Taipei, cater more to middle-aged afternoon drinkers!

But yes, definitely a good location if weā€™re in Danshui around sunset time.

Google Maps link here, Facebook here.

Itā€™s not bad. When he was here before - and when I was living in Tainan, so I was basically a tourist in Taipei as well - we had plenty of fun with the typical tourist sites, the temples, the National Palace Museum, that kind of stuff. Plenty to keep visitors busy for at least a few days. But for a layover, I think weā€™re looking more for a combination of good eating and relaxation spots - especially since, as you mentioned upthread, the summer heat may be in full blaze by then. At least heā€™ll have already spent a week in Singapore, so the heat wonā€™t totally floor him. I confess one reason Iā€™m drawn to the Xinyi area is the air conditioning.

Yeah eating and drinking is decent. Also maybe a pint at the expensive but outdoors Taihu Landmark, if you are in Xinyi

啜飲室 Landmark (Taihu Xinyi)
+886 2 2722 0592

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